Name Report For First Name DIAMONT:


First name DIAMONT's origin is English. DIAMONT means "bridge protector". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with DIAMONT below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of diamont.(Brown names are of the same origin (English) with DIAMONT and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with DIAMONT - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming DIAMONT



NAMES RHYMING WITH DƯAMONT (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 6 Letters (iamont) - Names That Ends with iamont:

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (amont) - Names That Ends with amont:


Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (mont) - Names That Ends with mont:

dumont fremont osmont delmont

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ont) - Names That Ends with ont:

pierrepont pierpont

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (nt) - Names That Ends with nt:

yervant escorant gallehant moraunt rhongomyant kent bent agramant sacripant toussaint lorant creissant devent advent anant arnt bliant brant brent briant bryant calogrenant clint conant derwent flint flynt frimunt graent grant hunt laurent oliphant toussnint trent vincent waldmunt avent rhodant jacint millicent crescent geraint innocent valiant sargent clarissant meleagant pant trevrizent durant durrant quent quint

NAMES RHYMING WITH DƯAMONT (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 6 Letters (diamon) - Names That Begins with diamon:

diamon diamond diamonique

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (diamo) - Names That Begins with diamo:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (diam) - Names That Begins with diam:

diamanda diamanta diamante

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (dia) - Names That Begins with dia:

dia diahann diahna dian diana dianda diandra diandre diane dianna diannah dianne diantha dianthe diara diarmaid

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (di) - Names That Begins with di:

dibe dice dichali dick dickran dickson didier dido didrika diederich diedre diedrick diega diego dien diep diera dierck dierdre dieter dietrich dietz digna diji dike dikesone dikran dilan dillan dillen dillin dillion dillon dimitrie dimitry dimitur din dina dinadan dinah dinar dinas dino dinora dinorah dinsmore diogo diolmhain diomasach diomedes dion diona diondra diondray diondre dione dionis dionisa dionna dionne dionte dionysia dionysie dionysius dior diorbhall dirce dirck dirk dita diti diu div diva divon divone divsha divshah


First Names which starts with 'dia' and ends with 'ont':

First Names which starts with 'di' and ends with 'nt':

First Names which starts with 'd' and ends with 't':

daedbot dagonet daguenet dalbert dalit damhnait danit dat davet daviot dawit dealbeorht dealbert delbert delight delit demet dennet dermot derorit desirat devnet dewitt domingart donat dorit downett drust dwight

English Words Rhyming DIAMONT


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH DƯAMONT (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (iamont) - English Words That Ends with iamont:

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (amont) - English Words That Ends with amont:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (mont) - English Words That Ends with mont:

dinmontnoun (n.) A wether sheep between one and two years old.

dandie dinmontnoun (n.) Alt. of Dandie

montnoun (n.) Mountain.

piedmontadjective (a.) Noting the region of foothills near the base of a mountain chain.

promontnoun (n.) Promontory.

rodomontnoun (n.) A vain or blustering boaster; a braggart; a braggadocio.
 adjective (a.) Bragging; vainly boasting.

shathmontnoun (n.) A shaftment.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ont) - English Words That Ends with ont:

acrodontnoun (n.) One of a group of lizards having the teeth immovably united to the top of the alveolar ridge.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the acrodonts.

affrontnoun (n.) An encounter either friendly or hostile.
 noun (n.) Contemptuous or rude treatment which excites or justifies resentment; marked disrespect; a purposed indignity; insult.
 noun (n.) An offense to one's self-respect; shame.
 verb (v. t.) To front; to face in position; to meet or encounter face to face.
 verb (v. t.) To face in defiance; to confront; as, to affront death; hence, to meet in hostile encounter.
 verb (v. t.) To offend by some manifestation of disrespect; to insult to the face by demeanor or language; to treat with marked incivility.

bipontadjective (a.) Alt. of Bipontine

cestraciontnoun (n.) A shark of the genus Cestracion, and of related genera. The posterior teeth form a pavement of bony plates for crushing shellfish. Most of the species are extinct. The Port Jackson shark and a similar one found in California are living examples.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or characteristic of, the genus Cestracion.

chaetodontnoun (n.) A marine fish of the family Chaetodontidae. The chaetodonts have broad, compressed bodies, and usually bright colors.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Chaetodonts or the family Chaetodontidae.

coelodontnoun (n.) One of a group of lizards having hollow teeth.
 adjective (a.) Having hollow teeth; -- said of a group lizards.

conodontnoun (n.) A peculiar toothlike fossil of many forms, found especially in carboniferous rocks. Such fossils are supposed by some to be the teeth of marsipobranch fishes, but they are probably the jaws of annelids.

coryphodontadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, the genus Coryphodon.

cyprinodontnoun (n.) One of the Cyprinodontidae, a family of fishes including the killifishes or minnows. See Minnow.

desmodontnoun (n.) A member of a group of South American blood-sucking bats, of the genera Desmodus and Diphylla. See Vampire.

dicynodontnoun (n.) One of a group of extinct reptiles having the jaws armed with a horny beak, as in turtles, and in the genus Dicynodon, supporting also a pair of powerful tusks. Their remains are found in triassic strata of South Africa and India.

diodontnoun (n.) A fish of the genus Diodon, or an allied genus.
 adjective (a.) Like or pertaining to the genus Diodon.

diphyodontnoun (n.) An animal having two successive sets of teeth.
 adjective (a.) Having two successive sets of teeth (deciduous and permanent), one succeeding the other; as, a diphyodont mammal; diphyodont dentition; -- opposed to monophyodont.

fontnoun (n.) A complete assortment of printing type of one size, including a due proportion of all the letters in the alphabet, large and small, points, accents, and whatever else is necessary for printing with that variety of types; a fount.
 noun (n.) A fountain; a spring; a source.
 noun (n.) A basin or stone vessel in which water is contained for baptizing.

foreefrontnoun (n.) Foremost part or place.

frontnoun (n.) The forehead or brow, the part of the face above the eyes; sometimes, also, the whole face.
 noun (n.) The forehead, countenance, or personal presence, as expressive of character or temper, and especially, of boldness of disposition, sometimes of impudence; seeming; as, a bold front; a hardened front.
 noun (n.) The part or surface of anything which seems to look out, or to be directed forward; the fore or forward part; the foremost rank; the van; -- the opposite to back or rear; as, the front of a house; the front of an army.
 noun (n.) A position directly before the face of a person, or before the foremost part of a thing; as, in front of un person, of the troops, or of a house.
 noun (n.) The most conspicuous part.
 noun (n.) That which covers the foremost part of the head: a front piece of false hair worn by women.
 noun (n.) The beginning.
 noun (n.) All the works along one side of the polygon inclosing the site which is fortified.
 noun (n.) The middle of the upper part of the tongue, -- the part of the tongue which is more or less raised toward the palate in the pronunciation of certain sounds, as the vowel i in machine, e in bed, and consonant y in you. See Guide to Pronunciation, /10.
 noun (n.) The call boy whose turn it is to answer the call, which is often the word "front," used as an exclamation.
 adjective (a.) Of or relating to the front or forward part; having a position in front; foremost; as, a front view.
 verb (v. t.) To oppose face to face; to oppose directly; to meet in a hostile manner.
 verb (v. t.) To appear before; to meet.
 verb (v. t.) To face toward; to have the front toward; to confront; as, the house fronts the street.
 verb (v. t.) To stand opposed or opposite to, or over against as, his house fronts the church.
 verb (v. t.) To adorn in front; to supply a front to; as, to front a house with marble; to front a head with laurel.
 verb (v. t.) To have or turn the face or front in any direction; as, the house fronts toward the east.

glyptodontnoun (n.) One of a family (Glyptodontidae) of extinct South American edentates, of which Glyptodon is the type. About twenty species are known.

gymnodontnoun (n.) One of a group of plectognath fishes (Gymnodontes), having the teeth and jaws consolidated into one or two bony plates, on each jaw, as the diodonts and tetradonts. See Bur fish, Globefish, Diodon.

hellespontnoun (n.) A narrow strait between Europe and Asia, now called the Daradanelles. It connects the Aegean Sea and the sea of Marmora.

heterodontnoun (n.) Any animal with heterodont dentition.
 adjective (a.) Having the teeth differentiated into incisors, canines, and molars, as in man; -- opposed to homodont.

homodontadjective (a.) Having all the teeth similar in front, as in the porpoises; -- opposed to heterodont.

hontnoun (n. & v.) See under Hunt.

hybodontadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, an extinct genus of sharks (Hybodus), especially in the form of the teeth, which consist of a principal median cone with smaller lateral ones.

iguanodontadjective (a.) Like or pertaining to the genus Iguanodon.

isobrontnoun (n.) An imaginary line, or a line on a chart, marking the simultaneous development of a thunderstorm, as noted by observing the time when the thunder is heard at different places.

labyrinthodontnoun (n.) One of the Labyrinthodonta.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Labyrinthodonta.

macrodontnoun (n.) A macrodont animal.
 adjective (a.) Having large teeth.

mesodontadjective (a.) Having teeth of moderate size.

microdontadjective (a.) Having small teeth.

monophyodontadjective (a.) Having but one set of teeth; -- opposed to diphyodont.

octodontadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Octodontidae, a family of rodents which includes the coypu, and many other South American species.

oreodontadjective (a.) Resembling, or allied to, the genus Oreodon.

orisontnoun (n.) Horizon.

ostraciontnoun (n.) A fish of the genus Ostracion and allied genera.

petromyzontnoun (n.) A lamprey.

phocodontnoun (n.) One of the Phocodontia.

pleurodontnoun (n.) Any lizard having pleurodont teeth.
 adjective (a.) Having the teeth consolidated with the inner edge of the jaw, as in some lizards.

pycnodontnoun (n.) Any fossil fish belonging to the Pycnodontini. They have numerous round, flat teeth, adapted for crushing.

rachiodontadjective (a.) Same as Rhachiodont.

rhachiodontadjective (a.) Having gular teeth formed by a peculiar modification of the inferior spines of some of the vertebrae, as certain South African snakes (Dasypeltis) which swallow birds' eggs and use these gular teeth to crush them.

rhizodontnoun (n.) A reptile whose teeth are rooted in sockets, as the crocodile.

rontnoun (n.) A runt.

sigmodontnoun (n.) Any one of a tribe (Sigmodontes) of rodents which includes all the indigenous rats and mice of America. So called from the form of the ridges of enamel on the crowns of the worn molars. Also used adjectively.

squalodontadjective (a.) Pertaining to Squalodon.

schizontnoun (n.) In certain Sporozoa, a cell formed by the growth of a sporozoite or merozoite (in a cell or corpuscle of the host) which segment by superficial cleavage, without encystment or conjugation, into merozoites.

tetradontnoun (a. & n.) See Tetrodont.

tetrodontnoun (n.) A tetrodon.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the tetrodons.

thecodontnoun (n.) One of the Thecodontia.
 adjective (a.) Having the teeth inserted in sockets in the alveoli of the jaws.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the thecodonts.

theriodontnoun (n.) One of the Theriodontia. Used also adjectively.

tillodontnoun (n.) One of the Tillodontia.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH DƯAMONT (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (diamon) - Words That Begins with diamon:

diamondnoun (n.) A precious stone or gem excelling in brilliancy and beautiful play of prismatic colors, and remarkable for extreme hardness.
 noun (n.) A geometrical figure, consisting of four equal straight lines, and having two of the interior angles acute and two obtuse; a rhombus; a lozenge.
 noun (n.) One of a suit of playing cards, stamped with the figure of a diamond.
 noun (n.) A pointed projection, like a four-sided pyramid, used for ornament in lines or groups.
 noun (n.) The infield; the square space, 90 feet on a side, having the bases at its angles.
 noun (n.) The smallest kind of type in English printing, except that called brilliant, which is seldom seen.
 adjective (a.) Resembling a diamond; made of, or abounding in, diamonds; as, a diamond chain; a diamond field.

diamondedadjective (a.) Having figures like a diamond or lozenge.
 adjective (a.) Adorned with diamonds; diamondized.

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (diamo) - Words That Begins with diamo:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (diam) - Words That Begins with diam:

diamagnetnoun (n.) A body having diamagnetic polarity.

diamagneticnoun (n.) Any substance, as bismuth, glass, phosphorous, etc., which in a field of magnetic force is differently affected from the ordinary magnetic bodies, as iron; that is, which tends to take a position at right angles to the lines of magnetic force, and is repelled by either pole of the magnet.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or exhibiting the phenomena of, diamagnetism; taking, or being of a nature to take, a position at right angles to the lines of magnetic force. See Paramagnetic.

diamagnetismnoun (n.) The science which treats of diamagnetic phenomena, and of the properties of diamagnetic bodies.
 noun (n.) That form or condition of magnetic action which characterizes diamagnetics.

diamantiferousadjective (a.) Yielding diamonds.

diamantineadjective (a.) Adamantine.

diameternoun (n.) Any right line passing through the center of a figure or body, as a circle, conic section, sphere, cube, etc., and terminated by the opposite boundaries; a straight line which bisects a system of parallel chords drawn in a curve.
 noun (n.) A diametral plane.
 noun (n.) The length of a straight line through the center of an object from side to side; width; thickness; as, the diameter of a tree or rock.
 noun (n.) The distance through the lower part of the shaft of a column, used as a standard measure for all parts of the order. See Module.

diametralnoun (n.) A diameter.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to a diameter; diametrical.

diametricadjective (a.) Alt. of Diametrical

diametricaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a diameter.
 adjective (a.) As remote as possible, as if at the opposite end of a diameter; directly adverse.

diamidenoun (n.) Any compound containing two amido groups united with one or more acid or negative radicals, -- as distinguished from a diamine. Cf. Amido acid, under Amido, and Acid amide, under Amide.

diaminenoun (n.) A compound containing two amido groups united with one or more basic or positive radicals, -- as contrasted with a diamide.

diamylenenoun (n.) A liquid hydrocarbon, C10H20, of the ethylene series, regarded as a polymeric form of amylene.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (dia) - Words That Begins with dia:

diabasenoun (n.) A basic, dark-colored, holocrystalline, igneous rock, consisting essentially of a triclinic feldspar and pyroxene with magnetic iron; -- often limited to rocks pretertiary in age. It includes part of what was early called greenstone.

diabaterialadjective (a.) Passing over the borders.

diabetesnoun (n.) A disease which is attended with a persistent, excessive discharge of urine. Most frequently the urine is not only increased in quantity, but contains saccharine matter, in which case the disease is generally fatal.

diabeticadjective (a.) Alt. of Diabetical

diabeticaladjective (a.) Pertaining to diabetes; as, diabetic or diabetical treatment.

diablerienoun (n.) Alt. of Diabley

diableynoun (n.) Devilry; sorcery or incantation; a diabolical deed; mischief.

diabolicadjective (a.) Alt. of Diabolical

diabolicaladjective (a.) Pertaining to the devil; resembling, or appropriate, or appropriate to, the devil; devilish; infernal; impious; atrocious; nefarious; outrageously wicked; as, a diabolic or diabolical temper or act.

diabolismnoun (n.) Character, action, or principles appropriate to the devil.
 noun (n.) Possession by the devil.

diacatholiconnoun (n.) A universal remedy; -- name formerly to a purgative electuary.

diacausticnoun (n.) That which burns by refraction, as a double convex lens, or the sun's rays concentrated by such a lens, sometimes used as a cautery.
 noun (n.) A curved formed by the consecutive intersections of rays of light refracted through a lens.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or possessing the properties of, a species of caustic curves formed by refraction. See Caustic surface, under Caustic.

diachylonnoun (n.) Alt. of Diachylum

diachylumnoun (n.) A plaster originally composed of the juices of several plants (whence its name), but now made of an oxide of lead and oil, and consisting essentially of glycerin mixed with lead salts of the fat acids.

diacidadjective (a.) Divalent; -- said of a base or radical as capable of saturating two acid monad radicals or a dibasic acid. Cf. Dibasic, a., and Biacid.

diacodiumnoun (n.) A sirup made of poppies.

diaconaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a deacon.

diaconatenoun (n.) The office of a deacon; deaconship; also, a body or board of deacons.
 adjective (a.) Governed by deacons.

diacopenoun (n.) Tmesis.

diacousticadjective (a.) Pertaining to the science or doctrine of refracted sounds.

diacousticsnoun (n.) That branch of natural philosophy which treats of the properties of sound as affected by passing through different mediums; -- called also diaphonics. See the Note under Acoustics.

diacriticadjective (a.) Alt. of Diacritical

diacriticaladjective (a.) That separates or distinguishes; -- applied to points or marks used to distinguish letters of similar form, or different sounds of the same letter, as, a, /, a, /, /, etc.

diactinicadjective (a.) Capable of transmitting the chemical or actinic rays of light; as, diactinic media.

diadelphianoun (n. pl.) A Linnaean class of plants whose stamens are united into two bodies or bundles by their filaments.

diadelphianadjective (a.) Alt. of Diadelphous

diadelphousadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the class Diadelphia; having the stamens united into two bodies by their filaments (said of a plant or flower); grouped into two bundles or sets by coalescence of the filaments (said of stamens).

diademnoun (n.) Originally, an ornamental head band or fillet, worn by Eastern monarchs as a badge of royalty; hence (later), also, a crown, in general.
 noun (n.) Regal power; sovereignty; empire; -- considered as symbolized by the crown.
 noun (n.) An arch rising from the rim of a crown (rarely also of a coronet), and uniting with others over its center.
 verb (v. t.) To adorn with a diadem; to crown.

diadromnoun (n.) A complete course or vibration; time of vibration, as of a pendulum.

diaeresisnoun (n.) Alt. of Dieresis

diaereticadjective (a.) Caustic.

diageotropicadjective (a.) Relating to, or exhibiting, diageotropism.

diageotropismnoun (n.) The tendency of organs (as roots) of plants to assume a position oblique or transverse to a direction towards the center of the earth.

diaglyphnoun (n.) An intaglio.

diaglyphicadjective (a.) Alt. of Diaglyphtic

diaglyphticadjective (a.) Represented or formed by depressions in the general surface; as, diaglyphic sculpture or engraving; -- opposed to anaglyphic.

diagnosisnoun (n.) The art or act of recognizing the presence of disease from its signs or symptoms, and deciding as to its character; also, the decision arrived at.
 noun (n.) Scientific determination of any kind; the concise description of characterization of a species.
 noun (n.) Critical perception or scrutiny; judgment based on such scrutiny; esp., perception of, or judgment concerning, motives and character.

diagnosticnoun (n.) The mark or symptom by which one disease is known or distinguished from others.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to, or furnishing, a diagnosis; indicating the nature of a disease.

diagnosticsnoun (n.) That part of medicine which has to do with ascertaining the nature of diseases by means of their symptoms or signs.

diagometernoun (n.) A sort of electroscope, invented by Rousseau, in which the dry pile is employed to measure the amount of electricity transmitted by different bodies, or to determine their conducting power.

diagonalnoun (n.) A right line drawn from one angle to another not adjacent, of a figure of four or more sides, and dividing it into two parts.
 noun (n.) A member, in a framed structure, running obliquely across a panel.
 noun (n.) A diagonal cloth; a kind of cloth having diagonal stripes, ridges, or welts made in the weaving.
 adjective (a.) Joining two not adjacent angles of a quadrilateral or multilateral figure; running across from corner to corner; crossing at an angle with one of the sides.

diagonialadjective (a.) Diagonal; diametrical; hence; diametrically opposed.

diagramnoun (n.) A figure or drawing made to illustrate a statement, or facilitate a demonstration; a plan.
 noun (n.) Any simple drawing made for mathematical or scientific purposes, or to assist a verbal explanation which refers to it; a mechanical drawing, as distinguished from an artistical one.
 verb (v. t.) To put into the form of a diagram.

diagrammaticadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or of the nature of, a diagram; showing by diagram.

diagraphnoun (n.) A drawing instrument, combining a protractor and scale.

diagraphicadjective (a.) Alt. of Diagraphical

diagraphicaladjective (a.) Descriptive.

diagraphicsnoun (n.) The art or science of descriptive drawing; especially, the art or science of drawing by mechanical appliances and mathematical rule.

diaheliotropicadjective (a.) Relating or, or manifesting, diaheliotropism.

diaheliotropismnoun (n.) A tendency of leaves or other organs of plants to have their dorsal surface faced towards the rays of light.


English Words which starts with 'dia' and ends with 'ont':

English Words which starts with 'di' and ends with 'nt':

diducementnoun (n.) Diduction; separation into distinct parts.

differentadjective (a.) Distinct; separate; not the same; other.
 adjective (a.) Of various or contrary nature, form, or quality; partially or totally unlike; dissimilar; as, different kinds of food or drink; different states of health; different shapes; different degrees of excellence.

diffidentadjective (a.) Wanting confidence in others; distrustful.
 adjective (a.) Wanting confidence in one's self; distrustful of one's own powers; not self-reliant; timid; modest; bashful; characterized by modest reserve.

diffluentadjective (a.) Flowing apart or off; dissolving; not fixed.

dijudicantnoun (n.) One who dijudicates.

dilettantnoun (n.) A dilettante.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to dilettanteism; amateur; as, dilettant speculation.

diligentadjective (a.) Prosecuted with careful attention and effort; careful; painstaking; not careless or negligent.
 adjective (a.) Interestedly and perseveringly attentive; steady and earnest in application to a subject or pursuit; assiduous; industrious.

diluentnoun (n.) That which dilutes.
 noun (n.) An agent used for effecting dilution of the blood; a weak drink.
 adjective (a.) Diluting; making thinner or weaker by admixture, esp. of water.

diminishmentnoun (n.) Diminution.

diminuentadjective (a.) Lessening.

dimplementnoun (n.) The state of being dimpled, or marked with gentle depressions.

dintnoun (n.) A blow; a stroke.
 noun (n.) The mark left by a blow; an indentation or impression made by violence; a dent.
 noun (n.) Force; power; -- esp. in the phrase by dint of.
 verb (v. t.) To make a mark or cavity on or in, by a blow or by pressure; to dent.

dirigentnoun (n.) The line of motion along which a describent line or surface is carried in the genesis of any plane or solid figure; a directrix.
 adjective (a.) Directing.

dirimentadjective (a.) Absolute.

disablementnoun (n.) Deprivation of ability; incapacity.

disaccordantadjective (a.) Not accordant.

disagreementnoun (n.) The state of disagreeing; a being at variance; dissimilitude; diversity.
 noun (n.) Unsuitableness; unadaptedness.
 noun (n.) Difference of opinion or sentiment.
 noun (n.) A falling out, or controversy; difference.

disannulmentnoun (n.) Complete annulment.

disappendentadjective (a.) Freed from a former connection or dependence; disconnected.

disappointmentnoun (n.) The act of disappointing, or the state of being disappointed; defeat or failure of expectation or hope; miscarriage of design or plan; frustration.
 noun (n.) That which disappoints.

disarmamentnoun (n.) The act of disarming.

disarrangementnoun (n.) The act of disarranging, or the state of being disarranged; confusion; disorder.

disarraymentnoun (n.) Disorder.

disassentnoun (n.) Dissent.
 verb (v. i.) To dissent.

disavowmentnoun (n.) Disavowal.

disbandmentnoun (n.) The act of disbanding.

disbarmentnoun (n.) Act of disbarring.

disbursementnoun (n.) The act of disbursing or paying out.
 noun (n.) That which is disbursed or paid out; as, the annual disbursements exceed the income.

discantnoun (n.) See Descant, n.

discernmentnoun (n.) The act of discerning.
 noun (n.) The power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another; power of viewing differences in objects, and their relations and tendencies; penetrative and discriminate mental vision; acuteness; sagacity; insight; as, the errors of youth often proceed from the want of discernment.

disciplinantnoun (n.) A flagellant. See Flagellant.

discoherentadjective (a.) Incoherent.

discontentnoun (n.) Want of content; uneasiness and inquietude of mind; dissatisfaction; disquiet.
 noun (n.) A discontented person; a malcontent.
 adjective (a.) Not content; discontented; dissatisfied.
 verb (v. t.) To deprive of content; to make uneasy; to dissatisfy.

discontentmentnoun (n.) The state of being discontented; uneasiness; inquietude.

disconvenientadjective (a.) Not convenient or congruous; unsuitable; ill-adapted.

discordantnoun (n.) Disagreeing; incongruous; being at variance; clashing; opposing; not harmonious.
 noun (n.) Dissonant; not in harmony or musical concord; harsh; jarring; as, discordant notes or sounds.
 noun (n.) Said of strata which lack conformity in direction of bedding, either as in unconformability, or as caused by a fault.

discorrespondentadjective (a.) Incongruous.

discouragementnoun (n.) The act of discouraging, or the state of being discouraged; depression or weakening of confidence; dejection.
 noun (n.) That which discourages; that which deters, or tends to deter, from an undertaking, or from the prosecution of anything; a determent; as, the revolution was commenced under every possible discouragement.

discovermentnoun (n.) Discovery.

discrepantnoun (n.) A dissident.
 adjective (a.) Discordant; at variance; disagreeing; contrary; different.

discriminantnoun (n.) The eliminant of the n partial differentials of any homogenous function of n variables. See Eliminant.

discurrentadjective (a.) Not current or free to circulate; not in use.

discutientnoun (n.) An agent (as a medicinal application) which serves to disperse morbid matter.
 adjective (a.) Serving to disperse morbid matter; discussive; as, a discutient application.

diseasementnoun (n.) Uneasiness; inconvenience.

disembarkmentnoun (n.) Disembarkation.

disembarrassmentnoun (n.) Freedom or relief from impediment or perplexity.

disembodimentnoun (n.) The act of disembodying, or the state of being disembodied.

disemboguementnoun (n.) The act of disemboguing; discharge.

disembowelmentnoun (n.) The act of disemboweling, or state of being disemboweled; evisceration.

disemploymentnoun (n.) The state of being disemployed, or deprived of employment.

disenchantmentnoun (n.) The act of disenchanting, or state of being disenchanted.

disencouragementnoun (n.) Discouragement.

disendowmentnoun (n.) The act of depriving of an endowment or endowments.

disengagementnoun (n.) The act of disengaging or setting free, or the state of being disengaged.
 noun (n.) Freedom from engrossing occupation; leisure.

disentanglementnoun (n.) The act of disentangling or clearing from difficulties.

disenthrallmentnoun (n.) Liberation from bondage; emancipation; disinthrallment.

disestablishmentnoun (n.) The act or process of unsettling or breaking up that which has been established; specifically, the withdrawal of the support of the state from an established church; as, the disestablishment and disendowment of the Irish Church by Act of Parliament.
 noun (n.) The condition of being disestablished.

disfigurementnoun (n.) Act of disfiguring, or state of being disfigured; deformity.
 noun (n.) That which disfigures; a defacement; a blot.

disfranchisementnoun (n.) The act of disfranchising, or the state disfranchised; deprivation of privileges of citizenship or of chartered immunities.

disfurnishmentnoun (n.) The act of disfurnishing, or the state of being disfurnished.

disgorgementnoun (n.) The act of disgorging; a vomiting; that which is disgorged.

disguisementnoun (n.) Disguise.

disheartenmentnoun (n.) Discouragement; dejection; depression of spirits.

disillusionmentnoun (n.) The act of freeing from an illusion, or the state of being freed therefrom.

disimprovementnoun (n.) Reduction from a better to a worse state; as, disimprovement of the earth.

disinfectantnoun (n.) That which disinfects; an agent for removing the causes of infection, as chlorine.

disinteressmentnoun (n.) Disinterestedness; impartiality; fairness.

disintermentnoun (n.) The act of disinterring, or taking out of the earth; exhumation.

disinthrallmentnoun (n.) A releasing from thralldom or slavery; disenthrallment.

disjointadjective (a.) Disjointed; unconnected; -- opposed to conjoint.
 verb (v. t.) Difficult situation; dilemma; strait.
 verb (v. t.) To separate the joints of; to separate, as parts united by joints; to put out of joint; to force out of its socket; to dislocate; as, to disjoint limbs; to disjoint bones; to disjoint a fowl in carving.
 verb (v. t.) To separate at junctures or joints; to break where parts are united; to break in pieces; as, disjointed columns; to disjoint and edifice.
 verb (v. t.) To break the natural order and relations of; to make incoherent; as, a disjointed speech.
 verb (v. i.) To fall in pieces.

dislodgmentnoun (n.) The act or process of dislodging, or the state of being dislodged.

dismastmentnoun (n.) The act of dismasting; the state of being dismasted.

dismembermentnoun (n.) The act of dismembering, or the state of being dismembered; cutting in piece; m/tilation; division; separation.

disobedientadjective (a.) Neglecting or refusing to obey; omitting to do what is commanded, or doing what is prohibited; refractory; not observant of duty or rules prescribed by authority; -- applied to persons and acts.
 adjective (a.) Not yielding.

disobeisantadjective (a.) Disobedient.

disobligementnoun (n.) Release from obligation.

disownmentnoun (n.) Act of disowning.

disparagementnoun (n.) Matching any one in marriage under his or her degree; injurious union with something of inferior excellence; a lowering in rank or estimation.
 noun (n.) Injurious comparison with an inferior; a depreciating or dishonoring opinion or insinuation; diminution of value; dishonor; indignity; reproach; disgrace; detraction; -- commonly with to.

dispatchmentnoun (n.) The act of dispatching.

dispiritmentnoun (n.) Depression of spirits; discouragement.

displacementnoun (n.) The act of displacing, or the state of being displaced; a putting out of place.
 noun (n.) The quantity of anything, as water, displaced by a floating body, as by a ship, the weight of the displaced liquid being equal to that of the displacing body.
 noun (n.) The process of extracting soluble substances from organic material and the like, whereby a quantity of saturated solvent is displaced, or removed, for another quantity of the solvent.

displeasantadjective (a.) Unpleasing; offensive; unpleasant.

disportmentnoun (n.) Act of disporting; diversion; play.

disposementnoun (n.) Disposal.

disputantnoun (n.) One who disputes; one who argues // opposition to another; one appointed to dispute; a controvertist; a reasoner in opposition.
 verb (v. i.) Disputing; engaged in controversy.

disquietmentnoun (n.) State of being disquieted; uneasiness; harassment.

dissentnoun (n.) The act of dissenting; difference of opinion; refusal to adopt something proposed; nonagreement, nonconcurrence, or disagreement.
 noun (n.) Separation from an established church, especially that of England; nonconformity.
 noun (n.) Contrariety of nature; diversity in quality.
 verb (v. i.) To differ in opinion; to be of unlike or contrary sentiment; to disagree; -- followed by from.
 verb (v. i.) To differ from an established church in regard to doctrines, rites, or government.
 verb (v. i.) To differ; to be of a contrary nature.

dissentientnoun (n.) One who dissents.
 verb (v. i.) Disagreeing; declaring dissent; dissenting.

dissepimentnoun (n.) A separating tissue; a partition; a septum.
 noun (n.) One of the partitions which divide a compound ovary into cells.
 noun (n.) One of the transverse, calcareous partitions between the radiating septa of a coral.

dissettlementnoun (n.) The act of unsettling, or the state of being unsettled.

dissevermentnoun (n.) Disseverance.

dissidentnoun (n.) One who disagrees or dissents; one who separates from the established religion.
 adjective (a.) No agreeing; dissenting; discordant; different.

dissilientadjective (a.) Starting asunder; bursting and opening with an elastic force; dehiscing explosively; as, a dissilient pericarp.

dissolventnoun (n.) That which has the power of dissolving or melting other substances, esp. by mixture with them; a menstruum; a solvent.
 noun (n.) A remedy supposed capable of dissolving concretions in the body, such as calculi, tubercles, etc.
 adjective (a.) Having power to dissolve power to dissolve a solid body; as, the dissolvent juices of the stomach.

dissonantadjective (a.) Sounding harshly; discordant; unharmonious.
 adjective (a.) Disagreeing; incongruous; discrepant, -- with from or to.

distantadjective (a.) Separated; having an intervening space; at a distance; away.
 adjective (a.) Far separated; far off; not near; remote; -- in place, time, consanguinity, or connection; as, distant times; distant relatives.
 adjective (a.) Reserved or repelling in manners; cold; not cordial; somewhat haughty; as, a distant manner.
 adjective (a.) Indistinct; faint; obscure, as from distance.
 adjective (a.) Not conformable; discrepant; repugnant; as, a practice so widely distant from Christianity.

distempermentnoun (n.) Distempered state; distemperature.

distentnoun (n.) Breadth.
 adjective (a.) Distended.

distillmentnoun (n.) Distillation; the substance obtained by distillation.

distinguishmentnoun (n.) Observation of difference; distinction.