Name Report For First Name SEPP:


First name SEPP's origin is Europe. SEPP means "short form of joseph". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with SEPP below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of sepp.(Brown names are of the same origin (Europe) with SEPP and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with SEPP - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming SEPP


seppanen guiseppie jooseppi guiseppina guiseppe

NAMES RHYMING WITH SEPP (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (epp) - Names That Ends with epp:

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (pp) - Names That Ends with pp:

trypp lipp tripp kipp

NAMES RHYMING WITH SEPP (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (sep) - Names That Begins with sep:


Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (se) - Names That Begins with se:

seabert seabrig seabright seabroc seabrook seaburt seadon seafra seafraid seager seaghda sealey seamere seamus sean seana seanachan seanan seanlaoch seanna searbhreathach searlait searlas searle searlus seaton seaver seaward seb sebak sebasten sebastene sebastian sebastiana sebastiano sebastien sebastiene sebastienne sebastyn sebe seber sebert sebestyen sebille sebo secg secgwic sechet seda sedge sedgeley sedgewic sedgewick sedgewik seely seentahna seeton sefton sefu segar segenam seger segulah segunda segundo seif seignour seiji sein seina seireadan sekai sekani sekhet sekou sela selam selamawit selassie selassiee selby selden seldon sele seleby selena selene seleta selig selik selima selina selk selma selvyn selwin selwine selwyn semadar


First Names which starts with 's' and ends with 'p':

sankalp stanhop step

English Words Rhyming SEPP


seppukunoun (n.) Same as Hara-kiri.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SEPP (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (epp) - English Words That Ends with epp:

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH SEPP (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (sep) - Words That Begins with sep:

sepalnoun (n.) A leaf or division of the calyx.

sepaledadjective (a.) Having one or more sepals.

sepalineadjective (a.) Relating to, or having the nature of, sepals.

sepalodynoun (n.) The metamorphosis of other floral organs into sepals or sepaloid bodies.

sepaloidadjective (a.) Like a sepal, or a division of a calyx.

sepalousadjective (a.) Having, or relating to, sepals; -- used mostly in composition. See under Sepal.

separabilitynoun (n.) Quality of being separable or divisible; divisibility; separableness.

separableadjective (a.) Capable of being separated, disjoined, disunited, or divided; as, the separable parts of plants; qualities not separable from the substance in which they exist.

separatingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Separate
 adjective (a.) Designed or employed to separate.

separateadjective (p. a.) Divided from another or others; disjoined; disconnected; separated; -- said of things once connected.
 adjective (p. a.) Unconnected; not united or associated; distinct; -- said of things that have not been connected.
 adjective (p. a.) Disunited from the body; disembodied; as, a separate spirit; the separate state of souls.
 verb (v. t.) To disunite; to divide; to disconnect; to sever; to part in any manner.
 verb (v. t.) To come between; to keep apart by occupying the space between; to lie between; as, the Mediterranean Sea separates Europe and Africa.
 verb (v. t.) To set apart; to select from among others, as for a special use or service.
 verb (v. i.) To part; to become disunited; to be disconnected; to withdraw from one another; as, the family separated.

separaticaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to separatism in religion; schismatical.

separationnoun (n.) The act of separating, or the state of being separated, or separate.
 noun (n.) Chemical analysis.
 noun (n.) Divorce.
 noun (n.) The operation of removing water from steam.

separatismnoun (n.) The character or act of a separatist; disposition to withdraw from a church; the practice of so withdrawing.

separatistnoun (n.) One who withdraws or separates himself; especially, one who withdraws from a church to which he has belonged; a seceder from an established church; a dissenter; a nonconformist; a schismatic; a sectary.

separatisticadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to separatists; characterizing separatists; schismatical.

separativeadjective (a.) Causing, or being to cause, separation.

separatornoun (n.) One who, or that which, separates.
 noun (n.) A device for depriving steam of particles of water mixed with it.
 noun (n.) An apparatus for sorting pulverized ores into grades, or separating them from gangue.
 noun (n.) An instrument used for spreading apart the threads of the warp in the loom, etc.

separatorynoun (n.) An apparatus used in separating, as a separating funnel.
 noun (n.) A surgical instrument for separating the pericranium from the cranium.
 adjective (a.) Separative.

separatrixnoun (n.) The decimal point; the dot placed at the left of a decimal fraction, to separate it from the whole number which it follows. The term is sometimes also applied to other marks of separation.

sepawnnoun (n.) See Supawn.

sepelibleadjective (a.) Admitting of burial.

sepelitionnoun (n.) Burial.

sephennoun (n.) A large sting ray of the genus Trygon, especially T. sephen of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. The skin is an article of commerce.

sepianoun (n.) The common European cuttlefish.
 noun (n.) A genus comprising the common cuttlefish and numerous similar species. See Illustr. under Cuttlefish.
 noun (n.) A pigment prepared from the ink, or black secretion, of the sepia, or cuttlefish. Treated with caustic potash, it has a rich brown color; and this mixed with a red forms Roman sepia. Cf. India ink, under India.
 adjective (a.) Of a dark brown color, with a little red in its composition; also, made of, or done in, sepia.

sepicadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to sepia; done in sepia; as, a sepic drawing.

sepidaceousadjective (a.) Like or pertaining to the cuttlefishes of the genus Sepia.

sepimentnoun (n.) Something that separates; a hedge; a fence.

sepiolitenoun (n.) Meerschaum. See Meerschaum.

sepiostarenoun (n.) The bone or shell of cuttlefish. See Illust. under Cuttlefish.

seponnoun (n.) See Supawn.

sepositionnoun (n.) The act of setting aside, or of giving up.

sepoynoun (n.) A native of India employed as a soldier in the service of a European power, esp. of Great Britain; an Oriental soldier disciplined in the European manner.

sepsinnoun (n.) A soluble poison (ptomaine) present in putrid blood. It is also formed in the putrefaction of proteid matter in general.

sepsisnoun (n.) The poisoning of the system by the introduction of putrescent material into the blood.

septnoun (n.) A clan, tribe, or family, proceeding from a common progenitor; -- used especially of the ancient clans in Ireland.

septaemianoun (n.) Septicaemia.

septaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a septum or septa, as of a coral or a shell.

septanenoun (n.) See Heptane.

septanglenoun (n.) A figure which has seven angles; a heptagon.

septangularadjective (a.) Heptagonal.

septariumnoun (n.) A flattened concretionary nodule, usually of limestone, intersected within by cracks which are often filled with calcite, barite, or other minerals.

septateadjective (a.) Divided by partition or partitions; having septa; as, a septate pod or shell.

septembernoun (n.) The ninth month of the year, containing thurty days.

septemberernoun (n.) A Setembrist.

septembristnoun (n.) An agent in the massacres in Paris, committed in patriotic frenzy, on the 22d of September, 1792.

septemfluousadjective (a.) Flowing sevenfold; divided into seven streams or currents.

septempartiteadjective (a.) Divided nearly to the base into seven parts; as, a septempartite leaf.

septemtriounnoun (n.) Septentrion.

septemvirnoun (n.) One of a board of seven men associated in some office.

septemviratenoun (n.) The office of septemvir; a government by septimvirs.


English Words which starts with 's' and ends with 'p':

sachemshipnoun (n.) Office or condition of a sachem.

saintshipnoun (n.) The character or qualities of a saint.

salepnoun (n.) The dried tubers of various species of Orchis, and Eulophia. It is used to make a nutritious beverage by treating the powdered preparation with hot water.

saloopnoun (n.) An aromatic drink prepared from sassafras bark and other ingredients, at one time much used in London.

salpnoun (n.) Any species of Salpa, or of the family Salpidae.

sampnoun (n.) An article of food consisting of maize broken or bruised, which is cooked by boiling, and usually eaten with milk; coarse hominy.
 noun (n.) An article of food consisting of maize broken or bruised, which is cooked by boiling, and usually eaten with milk; coarse hominy.

sannopnoun (n.) Same as Sannup.

sannupnoun (n.) A male Indian; a brave; -- correlative of squaw.

sapnoun (n.) The juice of plants of any kind, especially the ascending and descending juices or circulating fluid essential to nutrition.
 noun (n.) The sapwood, or alburnum, of a tree.
 noun (n.) A simpleton; a saphead; a milksop.
 noun (n.) A narrow ditch or trench made from the foremost parallel toward the glacis or covert way of a besieged place by digging under cover of gabions, etc.
 verb (v. t.) To subvert by digging or wearing away; to mine; to undermine; to destroy the foundation of.
 verb (v. t.) To pierce with saps.
 verb (v. t.) To make unstable or infirm; to unsettle; to weaken.
 verb (v. i.) To proceed by mining, or by secretly undermining; to execute saps.

sarcocarpnoun (n.) The fleshy part of a stone fruit, situated between the skin, or epicarp, and the stone, or endocarp, as in a peach. See Illust. of Endocarp.

satrapnoun (n.) The governor of a province in ancient Persia; hence, a petty autocrat despot.

scallopnoun (n.) Any one of numerous species of marine bivalve mollusks of the genus Pecten and allied genera of the family Pectinidae. The shell is usually radially ribbed, and the edge is therefore often undulated in a characteristic manner. The large adductor muscle of some the species is much used as food. One species (Vola Jacobaeus) occurs on the coast of Palestine, and its shell was formerly worn by pilgrims as a mark that they had been to the Holy Land. Called also fan shell. See Pecten, 2.
 noun (n.) One of series of segments of circles joined at their extremities, forming a border like the edge or surface of a scallop shell.
 noun (n.) One of the shells of a scallop; also, a dish resembling a scallop shell.
 noun (n.) To bake in scallop shells or dishes; to prepare with crumbs of bread or cracker, and bake. See Scalloped oysters, below.
 verb (v. t.) To mark or cut the edge or border of into segments of circles, like the edge or surface of a scallop shell. See Scallop, n., 2.

scalpnoun (n.) A bed of oysters or mussels.
 noun (n.) That part of the integument of the head which is usually covered with hair.
 noun (n.) A part of the skin of the head, with the hair attached, cut or torn off from an enemy by the Indian warriors of North America, as a token of victory.
 noun (n.) Fig.: The top; the summit.
 verb (v. t.) To deprive of the scalp; to cut or tear the scalp from the head of.
 verb (v. t.) To remove the skin of.
 verb (v. t.) To brush the hairs or fuzz from, as wheat grains, in the process of high milling.
 verb (v. i.) To make a small, quick profit by slight fluctuations of the market; -- said of brokers who operate in this way on their own account.

scampnoun (n.) A rascal; a swindler; a rogue.
 adjective (a.) To perform in a hasty, neglectful, or imperfect manner; to do superficially.

scarpnoun (n.) A band in the same position as the bend sinister, but only half as broad as the latter.
 noun (n.) The slope of the ditch nearest the parapet; the escarp.
 noun (n.) A steep descent or declivity.
 verb (v. t.) To cut down perpendicularly, or nearly so; as, to scarp the face of a ditch or a rock.

scaupnoun (n.) A bed or stratum of shellfish; scalp.
 noun (n.) A scaup duck. See below.

schizocarpnoun (n.) A dry fruit which splits at maturity into several closed one-seeded portions.

scholarshipnoun (n.) The character and qualities of a scholar; attainments in science or literature; erudition; learning.
 noun (n.) Literary education.
 noun (n.) Maintenance for a scholar; a foundation for the support of a student.

schoolshipnoun (n.) A vessel employed as a nautical training school, in which naval apprentices receive their education at the expense of the state, and are trained for service as sailors. Also, a vessel used as a reform school to which boys are committed by the courts to be disciplined, and instructed as mariners.

scollopnoun (n. & v.) See Scallop.

scoopnoun (n.) A large ladle; a vessel with a long handle, used for dipping liquids; a utensil for bailing boats.
 noun (n.) A deep shovel, or any similar implement for digging out and dipping or shoveling up anything; as, a flour scoop; the scoop of a dredging machine.
 noun (n.) A spoon-shaped instrument, used in extracting certain substances or foreign bodies.
 noun (n.) A place hollowed out; a basinlike cavity; a hollow.
 noun (n.) A sweep; a stroke; a swoop.
 noun (n.) The act of scooping, or taking with a scoop or ladle; a motion with a scoop, as in dipping or shoveling.
 noun (n.) To take out or up with, a scoop; to lade out.
 noun (n.) To empty by lading; as, to scoop a well dry.
 noun (n.) To make hollow, as a scoop or dish; to excavate; to dig out; to form by digging or excavation.
 noun (n.) A beat.
 verb (v. t.) To get a scoop, or a beat, on (a rival).

scrimpnoun (n.) A pinching miser; a niggard.
 adjective (a.) Short; scanty; curtailed.
 verb (v. t.) To make too small or short; to limit or straiten; to put on short allowance; to scant; to contract; to shorten; as, to scrimp the pattern of a coat.

scripnoun (n.) A small bag; a wallet; a satchel.
 noun (n.) A small writing, certificate, or schedule; a piece of paper containing a writing.
 noun (n.) A preliminary certificate of a subscription to the capital of a bank, railroad, or other company, or for a share of other joint property, or a loan, stating the amount of the subscription and the date of the payment of the installments; as, insurance scrip, consol scrip, etc. When all the installments are paid, the scrip is exchanged for a bond share certificate.
 noun (n.) Paper fractional currency.

scupnoun (n.) A swing.
 noun (n.) A marine sparoid food fish (Stenotomus chrysops, or S. argyrops), common on the Atlantic coast of the United States. It appears bright silvery when swimming in the daytime, but shows broad blackish transverse bands at night and when dead. Called also porgee, paugy, porgy, scuppaug.

seamanshipnoun (n.) The skill of a good seaman; the art, or skill in the art, of working a ship.

secretaryshipnoun (n.) The office, or the term of office, of a secretary.

securipalpnoun (n.) One of a family of beetles having the maxillary palpi terminating in a hatchet-shaped joint.

seedlipnoun (n.) Alt. of Seedlop

seedlopnoun (n.) A vessel in which a sower carries the seed to be scattered.

seershipnoun (n.) The office or quality of a seer.

senatorshipnoun (n.) The office or dignity of a senator.

seneschalshipnoun (n.) The office, dignity, or jurisdiction of a seneschal.

sergeantshipnoun (n.) The office of sergeant.

servitorshipnoun (n.) The office, rank, or condition of a servitor.

sextonshipnoun (n.) The office of a sexton.

shallopnoun (n.) A boat.

sharpnoun (n.) A sharp tool or weapon.
 noun (n.) The character [/] used to indicate that the note before which it is placed is to be raised a half step, or semitone, in pitch.
 noun (n.) A sharp tone or note.
 noun (n.) A portion of a stream where the water runs very rapidly.
 noun (n.) A sewing needle having a very slender point; a needle of the most pointed of the three grades, blunts, betweens, and sharps.
 noun (n.) Same as Middlings, 1.
 noun (n.) An expert.
 superlative (superl.) Having a very thin edge or fine point; of a nature to cut or pierce easily; not blunt or dull; keen.
 superlative (superl.) Terminating in a point or edge; not obtuse or rounded; somewhat pointed or edged; peaked or ridged; as, a sharp hill; sharp features.
 superlative (superl.) Affecting the sense as if pointed or cutting, keen, penetrating, acute: to the taste or smell, pungent, acid, sour, as ammonia has a sharp taste and odor; to the hearing, piercing, shrill, as a sharp sound or voice; to the eye, instantaneously brilliant, dazzling, as a sharp flash.
 superlative (superl.) High in pitch; acute; as, a sharp note or tone.
 superlative (superl.) Raised a semitone in pitch; as, C sharp (C/), which is a half step, or semitone, higher than C.
 superlative (superl.) So high as to be out of tune, or above true pitch; as, the tone is sharp; that instrument is sharp. Opposed in all these senses to flat.
 superlative (superl.) Very trying to the feelings; piercing; keen; severe; painful; distressing; as, sharp pain, weather; a sharp and frosty air.
 superlative (superl.) Cutting in language or import; biting; sarcastic; cruel; harsh; rigorous; severe; as, a sharp rebuke.
 superlative (superl.) Of keen perception; quick to discern or distinguish; having nice discrimination; acute; penetrating; sagacious; clever; as, a sharp eye; sharp sight, hearing, or judgment.
 superlative (superl.) Eager in pursuit; keen in quest; impatient for gratification; keen; as, a sharp appetite.
 superlative (superl.) Fierce; ardent; fiery; violent; impetuous.
 superlative (superl.) Keenly or unduly attentive to one's own interest; close and exact in dealing; shrewd; as, a sharp dealer; a sharp customer.
 superlative (superl.) Composed of hard, angular grains; gritty; as, sharp sand.
 superlative (superl.) Steep; precipitous; abrupt; as, a sharp ascent or descent; a sharp turn or curve.
 superlative (superl.) Uttered in a whisper, or with the breath alone, without voice, as certain consonants, such as p, k, t, f; surd; nonvocal; aspirated.
 adverb (adv.) To a point or edge; piercingly; eagerly; sharply.
 adverb (adv.) Precisely; exactly; as, we shall start at ten o'clock sharp.
 verb (v. t.) To sharpen.
 verb (v. t.) To raise above the proper pitch; to elevate the tone of; especially, to raise a half step, or semitone, above the natural tone.
 verb (v. i.) To play tricks in bargaining; to act the sharper.
 verb (v. i.) To sing above the proper pitch.

sheepnoun (n. sing. & pl.) Any one of several species of ruminants of the genus Ovis, native of the higher mountains of both hemispheres, but most numerous in Asia.
 noun (n. sing. & pl.) A weak, bashful, silly fellow.
 noun (n. sing. & pl.) Fig.: The people of God, as being under the government and protection of Christ, the great Shepherd.

shendshipnoun (n.) Harm; ruin; also, reproach; disgrace.

sheriffshipnoun (n.) Alt. of Sheriffwick

shipnoun (n.) Pay; reward.
 noun (n.) Any large seagoing vessel.
 noun (n.) Specifically, a vessel furnished with a bowsprit and three masts (a mainmast, a foremast, and a mizzenmast), each of which is composed of a lower mast, a topmast, and a topgallant mast, and square-rigged on all masts. See Illustation in Appendix.
 noun (n.) A dish or utensil (originally fashioned like the hull of a ship) used to hold incense.
 verb (v. t.) To put on board of a ship, or vessel of any kind, for transportation; to send by water.
 verb (v. t.) By extension, in commercial usage, to commit to any conveyance for transportation to a distance; as, to ship freight by railroad.
 verb (v. t.) Hence, to send away; to get rid of.
 verb (v. t.) To engage or secure for service on board of a ship; as, to ship seamen.
 verb (v. t.) To receive on board ship; as, to ship a sea.
 verb (v. t.) To put in its place; as, to ship the tiller or rudder.
 verb (v. i.) To engage to serve on board of a vessel; as, to ship on a man-of-war.
 verb (v. i.) To embark on a ship.

shopnoun (n.) A building or an apartment in which goods, wares, drugs, etc., are sold by retail.
 noun (n.) A building in which mechanics or artisans work; as, a shoe shop; a car shop.
 noun (n.) A person's occupation, business, profession, or the like, as a subject of attention, interest, conversation, etc.; -- generally in deprecation.
 noun (n.) A place where any industry is carried on; as, a chemist's shop;
 noun (n.) any of the various places of business which are commonly called offices, as of a lawyer, doctor, broker, etc.
 noun (n.) Any place of resort, as one's house, a restaurant, etc.
 verb (v. i.) To visit shops for the purpose of purchasing goods.
  () imp. of Shape. Shaped.

shortstopnoun (n.) The player stationed in the field bewtween the second and third bases.

shrapnoun (n.) Alt. of Shrape

shufflecapnoun (n.) A play performed by shaking money in a hat or cap.

signiorshipnoun (n.) State or position of a signior.

sipnoun (n.) The act of sipping; the taking of a liquid with the lips.
 noun (n.) A small draught taken with the lips; a slight taste.
 verb (v. t.) To drink or imbibe in small quantities; especially, to take in with the lips in small quantities, as a liquid; as, to sip tea.
 verb (v. t.) To draw into the mouth; to suck up; as, a bee sips nectar from the flowers.
 verb (v. t.) To taste the liquor of; to drink out of.
 verb (v. i.) To drink a small quantity; to take a fluid with the lips; to take a sip or sips of something.
 verb (v. i.) See Seep.

sirupnoun (n.) Alt. of Syrup

syrupnoun (n.) A thick and viscid liquid made from the juice of fruits, herbs, etc., boiled with sugar.
 noun (n.) A thick and viscid saccharine solution of superior quality (as sugarhouse sirup or molasses, maple sirup); specifically, in pharmacy and often in cookery, a saturated solution of sugar and water (simple sirup), or such a solution flavored or medicated.
 adjective (a.) Alt. of Syrupy

sizarshipnoun (n.) The position or standing of a sizar.

skelpnoun (n.) A blow; a smart stroke.
 noun (n.) A squall; also, a heavy fall of rain.
 noun (n.) A wrought-iron plate from which a gun barrel or pipe is made by bending and welding the edges together, and drawing the thick tube thus formed.
 verb (v. t.) To strike; to slap.
 verb (v. t.) To form into skelp, as a plate or bar of iron by rolling; also, to bend round (a skelp) in tube making.

skepnoun (n.) A coarse round farm basket.
 noun (n.) A beehive.

skimpadjective (a.) Scanty.
 verb (v. t.) To slight; to do carelessly; to scamp.
 verb (v. t.) To make insufficient allowance for; to scant; to scrimp.
 verb (v. i.) To save; to be parsimonious or niggardly.

skipnoun (n.) A basket. See Skep.
 noun (n.) A basket on wheels, used in cotton factories.
 noun (n.) An iron bucket, which slides between guides, for hoisting mineral and rock.
 noun (n.) A charge of sirup in the pans.
 noun (n.) A beehive; a skep.
 noun (n.) A light leap or bound.
 noun (n.) The act of passing over an interval from one thing to another; an omission of a part.
 noun (n.) A passage from one sound to another by more than a degree at once.
 verb (v. i.) To leap lightly; to move in leaps and hounds; -- commonly implying a sportive spirit.
 verb (v. i.) Fig.: To leave matters unnoticed, as in reading, speaking, or writing; to pass by, or overlook, portions of a thing; -- often followed by over.
 verb (v. t.) To leap lightly over; as, to skip the rope.
 verb (v. t.) To pass over or by without notice; to omit; to miss; as, to skip a line in reading; to skip a lesson.
 verb (v. t.) To cause to skip; as, to skip a stone.

skullcapnoun (n.) A cap which fits the head closely; also, formerly, a headpiece of iron sewed inside of a cap for protection.
 noun (n.) Any plant of the labiate genus Scutellaria, the calyx of whose flower appears, when inverted, like a helmet with the visor raised.
 noun (n.) The Lophiomys.

skunktopnoun (n.) The surf duck.

slapnoun (n.) A blow, esp. one given with the open hand, or with something broad.
 noun (n.) With a sudden and violent blow; hence, quickly; instantly; directly.
 verb (v. t.) To strike with the open hand, or with something broad.

slipnoun (n.) To move along the surface of a thing without bounding, rolling, or stepping; to slide; to glide.
 noun (n.) To slide; to lose one's footing or one's hold; not to tread firmly; as, it is necessary to walk carefully lest the foot should slip.
 noun (n.) To move or fly (out of place); to shoot; -- often with out, off, etc.; as, a bone may slip out of its place.
 noun (n.) To depart, withdraw, enter, appear, intrude, or escape as if by sliding; to go or come in a quiet, furtive manner; as, some errors slipped into the work.
 noun (n.) To err; to fall into error or fault.
 noun (n.) The act of slipping; as, a slip on the ice.
 noun (n.) An unintentional error or fault; a false step.
 noun (n.) A twig separated from the main stock; a cutting; a scion; hence, a descendant; as, a slip from a vine.
 noun (n.) A slender piece; a strip; as, a slip of paper.
 noun (n.) A leash or string by which a dog is held; -- so called from its being made in such a manner as to slip, or become loose, by relaxation of the hand.
 noun (n.) An escape; a secret or unexpected desertion; as, to give one the slip.
 noun (n.) A portion of the columns of a newspaper or other work struck off by itself; a proof from a column of type when set up and in the galley.
 noun (n.) Any covering easily slipped on.
 noun (n.) A loose garment worn by a woman.
 noun (n.) A child's pinafore.
 noun (n.) An outside covering or case; as, a pillow slip.
 noun (n.) The slip or sheath of a sword, and the like.
 noun (n.) A counterfeit piece of money, being brass covered with silver.
 noun (n.) Matter found in troughs of grindstones after the grinding of edge tools.
 noun (n.) Potter's clay in a very liquid state, used for the decoration of ceramic ware, and also as a cement for handles and other applied parts.
 noun (n.) A particular quantity of yarn.
 noun (n.) An inclined plane on which a vessel is built, or upon which it is hauled for repair.
 noun (n.) An opening or space for vessels to lie in, between wharves or in a dock; as, Peck slip.
 noun (n.) A narrow passage between buildings.
 noun (n.) A long seat or narrow pew in churches, often without a door.
 noun (n.) A dislocation of a lead, destroying continuity.
 noun (n.) The motion of the center of resistance of the float of a paddle wheel, or the blade of an oar, through the water horozontally, or the difference between a vessel's actual speed and the speed which she would have if the propelling instrument acted upon a solid; also, the velocity, relatively to still water, of the backward current of water produced by the propeller.
 noun (n.) A fish, the sole.
 noun (n.) A fielder stationed on the off side and to the rear of the batsman. There are usually two of them, called respectively short slip, and long slip.
 noun (n.) The retrograde movement on a pulley of a belt as it slips.
 noun (n.) In a link motion, the undesirable sliding movement of the link relatively to the link block, due to swinging of the link.
 noun (n.) The difference between the actual and synchronous speed of an induction motor.
 noun (n.) A memorandum of the particulars of a risk for which a policy is to be executed. It usually bears the broker's name and is initiated by the underwrites.
 verb (v. t.) To cause to move smoothly and quickly; to slide; to convey gently or secretly.
 verb (v. t.) To omit; to loose by negligence.
 verb (v. t.) To cut slips from; to cut; to take off; to make a slip or slips of; as, to slip a piece of cloth or paper.
 verb (v. t.) To let loose in pursuit of game, as a greyhound.
 verb (v. t.) To cause to slip or slide off, or out of place; as, a horse slips his bridle; a dog slips his collar.
 verb (v. t.) To bring forth (young) prematurely; to slink.

slipslopnoun (n.) Weak, poor, or flat liquor; weak, profitless discourse or writing.

sloopnoun (n.) A vessel having one mast and fore-and-aft rig, consisting of a boom-and-gaff mainsail, jibs, staysail, and gaff topsail. The typical sloop has a fixed bowsprit, topmast, and standing rigging, while those of a cutter are capable of being readily shifted. The sloop usually carries a centerboard, and depends for stability upon breadth of beam rather than depth of keel. The two types have rapidly approximated since 1880. One radical distinction is that a slop may carry a centerboard. See Cutter, and Illustration in Appendix.

slopnoun (n.) Water or other liquid carelessly spilled or thrown aboyt, as upon a table or a floor; a puddle; a soiled spot.
 noun (n.) Mean and weak drink or liquid food; -- usually in the plural.
 noun (n.) Dirty water; water in which anything has been washed or rinsed; water from wash-bowls, etc.
 verb (v. t.) To cause to overflow, as a liquid, by the motion of the vessel containing it; to spill.
 verb (v. t.) To spill liquid upon; to soil with a liquid spilled.
 verb (v. i.) To overflow or be spilled as a liquid, by the motion of the vessel containing it; -- often with over.
 verb (v. i.) Any kind of outer garment made of linen or cotton, as a night dress, or a smock frock.
 verb (v. i.) A loose lower garment; loose breeches; chiefly used in the plural.
 verb (v. i.) Ready-made clothes; also, among seamen, clothing, bedding, and other furnishings.

slopshopnoun (n.) A shop where slops. or ready-made clothes, are sold.

slumpnoun (n.) The gross amount; the mass; the lump.
 noun (n.) A boggy place.
 noun (n.) The noise made by anything falling into a hole, or into a soft, miry place.
 noun (n.) A falling or declining, esp. suddenly and markedly; a falling off; as, a slump in trade, in prices, etc.
 verb (v. t.) To lump; to throw into a mess.
 verb (v. i.) To fall or sink suddenly through or in, when walking on a surface, as on thawing snow or ice, partly frozen ground, a bog, etc., not strong enough to bear the person.
 verb (v. i.) To slide or slip on a declivity, so that the motion is perceptible; -- said of masses of earth or rock.
 verb (v. i.) To undergo a slump, or sudden decline or falling off; as, the stock slumped ten points.

snapnoun (n.) To break at once; to break short, as substances that are brittle.
 noun (n.) To strike, to hit, or to shut, with a sharp sound.
 noun (n.) To bite or seize suddenly, especially with the teeth.
 noun (n.) To break upon suddenly with sharp, angry words; to treat snappishly; -- usually with up.
 noun (n.) To crack; to cause to make a sharp, cracking noise; as, to snap a whip.
 noun (n.) To project with a snap.
 noun (n.) Any task, labor, set of circumstances, or the like, that yields satisfactory results or gives pleasure with little trouble or effort, as an easy course of study, a job where work is light, a bargain, etc.
 noun (n.) A snap shot with a firearm.
 noun (n.) A snapshot.
 noun (n.) Something of no value; as, not worth a snap.
 adjective (a.) Done, performed, made, executed, carried through, or the like, quickly and without deliberation; as, a snap judgment or decision; a snap political convention.
 verb (v. i.) To break short, or at once; to part asunder suddenly; as, a mast snaps; a needle snaps.
 verb (v. i.) To give forth, or produce, a sharp, cracking noise; to crack; as, blazing firewood snaps.
 verb (v. i.) To make an effort to bite; to aim to seize with the teeth; to catch eagerly (at anything); -- often with at; as, a dog snapsat a passenger; a fish snaps at the bait.
 verb (v. i.) To utter sharp, harsh, angry words; -- often with at; as, to snap at a child.
 verb (v. i.) To miss fire; as, the gun snapped.
 verb (v. t.) A sudden breaking or rupture of any substance.
 verb (v. t.) A sudden, eager bite; a sudden seizing, or effort to seize, as with the teeth.
 verb (v. t.) A sudden, sharp motion or blow, as with the finger sprung from the thumb, or the thumb from the finger.
 verb (v. t.) A sharp, abrupt sound, as that made by the crack of a whip; as, the snap of the trigger of a gun.
 verb (v. t.) A greedy fellow.
 verb (v. t.) That which is, or may be, snapped up; something bitten off, seized, or obtained by a single quick movement; hence, a bite, morsel, or fragment; a scrap.
 verb (v. t.) A sudden severe interval or spell; -- applied to the weather; as, a cold snap.
 verb (v. t.) A small catch or fastening held or closed by means of a spring, or one which closes with a snapping sound, as the catch of a bracelet, necklace, clasp of a book, etc.
 verb (v. t.) A snap beetle.
 verb (v. t.) A thin, crisp cake, usually small, and flavored with ginger; -- used chiefly in the plural.
 verb (v. t.) Briskness; vigor; energy; decision.
 verb (v. t.) Any circumstance out of which money may be made or an advantage gained.
 verb (v. t.) To catch out sharply (a batsman who has just snicked a bowled ball).
 verb (v. i.) Of the eyes, to emit sudden, brief sparkles like those of a snapping fire, as sometimes in anger.

sneapnoun (n.) A reprimand; a rebuke.
 verb (v. t.) To check; to reprimand; to rebuke; to chide.
 verb (v. t.) To nip; to blast; to blight.

snipnoun (n.) A single cut, as with shears or scissors; a clip.
 noun (n.) A small shred; a bit cut off.
 noun (n.) A share; a snack.
 noun (n.) A tailor.
 noun (n.) Small hand shears for cutting sheet metal.
 verb (v. t.) To cut off the nip or neb of, or to cut off at once with shears or scissors; to clip off suddenly; to nip; hence, to break off; to snatch away.

snowcapnoun (n.) A very small humming bird (Microchaera albocoronata) native of New Grenada.

snowdropnoun (n.) A bulbous plant (Galanthus nivalis) bearing white flowers, which often appear while the snow is on the ground. It is cultivated in gardens for its beauty.

snowslipnoun (n.) A large mass or avalanche of snow which slips down the side of a mountain, etc.

soapnoun (n.) A substance which dissolves in water, thus forming a lather, and is used as a cleansing agent. Soap is produced by combining fats or oils with alkalies or alkaline earths, usually by boiling, and consists of salts of sodium, potassium, etc., with the fatty acids (oleic, stearic, palmitic, etc.). See the Note below, and cf. Saponification. By extension, any compound of similar composition or properties, whether used as a cleaning agent or not.
 verb (v. t.) To rub or wash over with soap.
 verb (v. t.) To flatter; to wheedle.

soldiershipnoun (n.) Military qualities or state; martial skill; behavior becoming a soldier.

soleshipnoun (n.) The state of being sole, or alone; soleness.

sonshipnoun (n.) The state of being a son, or of bearing the relation of a son; filiation.

soupnoun (n.) A liquid food of many kinds, usually made by boiling meat and vegetables, or either of them, in water, -- commonly seasoned or flavored; strong broth.
 verb (v. t.) To sup or swallow.
 verb (v. t.) To breathe out.
 verb (v. t.) To sweep. See Sweep, and Swoop.

soursopnoun (n.) The large succulent and slightly acid fruit of a small tree (Anona muricata) of the West Indies; also, the tree itself. It is closely allied to the custard apple.

sparadrapnoun (n.) A cerecloth.
 noun (n.) Any adhesive plaster.

speakershipnoun (n.) The office of speaker; as, the speakership of the House of Representatives.

spectatorshipnoun (n.) The office or quality of a spectator.
 noun (n.) The act of beholding.

sponsorshipnoun (n.) State of being a sponsor.

sporocarpnoun (n.) A closed body or conceptacle containing one or more masses of spores or sporangia.
 noun (n.) A sporangium.

sportsmanshipnoun (n.) The practice of sportsmen; skill in field sports.

squireshipnoun (n.) Squirehood.

stadtholdershipnoun (n.) The office or position of a stadtholder.

stampnoun (n.) The act of stamping, as with the foot.
 noun (n.) The which stamps; any instrument for making impressions on other bodies, as a die.
 noun (n.) The mark made by stamping; a mark imprinted; an impression.
 noun (n.) that which is marked; a thing stamped.
 verb (v. i.) To strike beat, or press forcibly with the bottom of the foot, or by thrusting the foot downward.
 verb (v. i.) To bring down (the foot) forcibly on the ground or floor; as, he stamped his foot with rage.
 verb (v. i.) To crush; to pulverize; specifically (Metal.), to crush by the blow of a heavy stamp, as ore in a mill.
 verb (v. i.) To impress with some mark or figure; as, to stamp a plate with arms or initials.
 verb (v. i.) Fig.: To impress; to imprint; to fix deeply; as, to stamp virtuous principles on the heart.
 verb (v. i.) To cut out, bend, or indent, as paper, sheet metal, etc., into various forms, by a blow or suddenly applied pressure with a stamp or die, etc.; to mint; to coin.
 verb (v. i.) To put a stamp on, as for postage; as, to stamp a letter; to stamp a legal document.
 verb (v. i.) To strike; to beat; to crush.
 verb (v. i.) To strike the foot forcibly downward.
 verb (v. t.) A picture cut in wood or metal, or made by impression; a cut; a plate.
 verb (v. t.) An offical mark set upon things chargeable with a duty or tax to government, as evidence that the duty or tax is paid; as, the stamp on a bill of exchange.
 verb (v. t.) Hence, a stamped or printed device, issued by the government at a fixed price, and required by law to be affixed to, or stamped on, certain papers, as evidence that the government dues are paid; as, a postage stamp; a receipt stamp, etc.
 verb (v. t.) An instrument for cutting out, or shaping, materials, as paper, leather, etc., by a downward pressure.
 verb (v. t.) A character or reputation, good or bad, fixed on anything as if by an imprinted mark; current value; authority; as, these persons have the stamp of dishonesty; the Scriptures bear the stamp of a divine origin.
 verb (v. t.) Make; cast; form; character; as, a man of the same stamp, or of a different stamp.
 verb (v. t.) A kind of heavy hammer, or pestle, raised by water or steam power, for beating ores to powder; anything like a pestle, used for pounding or bathing.
 verb (v. t.) A half-penny.
 verb (v. t.) Money, esp. paper money.

statesmanshipnoun (n.) The qualifications, duties, or employments of a statesman.

stayshipnoun (n.) A remora, -- fabled to stop ships by attaching itself to them.

steamshipnoun (n.) A ship or seagoing vessel propelled by the power of steam; a steamer.

steaningpnoun (n.) See Steening.

steepnoun (n.) Something steeped, or used in steeping; a fertilizing liquid to hasten the germination of seeds.
 noun (n.) A rennet bag.
 noun (n.) A precipitous place, hill, mountain, rock, or ascent; any elevated object sloping with a large angle to the plane of the horizon; a precipice.
 adjective (a.) Bright; glittering; fiery.
 verb (v. t.) To soak in a liquid; to macerate; to extract the essence of by soaking; as, to soften seed by steeping it in water. Often used figuratively.
 verb (v. i.) To undergo the process of soaking in a liquid; as, the tea is steeping.
 verb (v. t.) Making a large angle with the plane of the horizon; ascending or descending rapidly with respect to a horizontal line or a level; precipitous; as, a steep hill or mountain; a steep roof; a steep ascent; a steep declivity; a steep barometric gradient.
 verb (v. t.) Difficult of access; not easy reached; lofty; elevated; high.
 verb (v. t.) Excessive; as, a steep price.

stepnoun (n.) At Eton College, England, a shallow step dividing the court into an inner and an outer portion.
 adjective (a.) To move the foot in walking; to advance or recede by raising and moving one of the feet to another resting place, or by moving both feet in succession.
 adjective (a.) To walk; to go on foot; esp., to walk a little distance; as, to step to one of the neighbors.
 adjective (a.) To walk slowly, gravely, or resolutely.
 adjective (a.) Fig.: To move mentally; to go in imagination.
 verb (v. t.) To set, as the foot.
 verb (v. t.) To fix the foot of (a mast) in its step; to erect.
 verb (v. i.) An advance or movement made by one removal of the foot; a pace.
 verb (v. i.) A rest, or one of a set of rests, for the foot in ascending or descending, as a stair, or a round of a ladder.
 verb (v. i.) The space passed over by one movement of the foot in walking or running; as, one step is generally about three feet, but may be more or less. Used also figuratively of any kind of progress; as, he improved step by step, or by steps.
 verb (v. i.) A small space or distance; as, it is but a step.
 verb (v. i.) A print of the foot; a footstep; a footprint; track.
 verb (v. i.) Gait; manner of walking; as, the approach of a man is often known by his step.
 verb (v. i.) Proceeding; measure; action; an act.
 verb (v. i.) Walk; passage.
 verb (v. i.) A portable framework of stairs, much used indoors in reaching to a high position.
 verb (v. i.) In general, a framing in wood or iron which is intended to receive an upright shaft; specif., a block of wood, or a solid platform upon the keelson, supporting the heel of the mast.
 verb (v. i.) One of a series of offsets, or parts, resembling the steps of stairs, as one of the series of parts of a cone pulley on which the belt runs.
 verb (v. i.) A bearing in which the lower extremity of a spindle or a vertical shaft revolves.
 verb (v. i.) The intervak between two contiguous degrees of the csale.
 verb (v. i.) A change of position effected by a motion of translation.

stewardshipnoun (n.) The office of a steward.

stirpnoun (n.) Stock; race; family.

stonecropnoun (n.) A sort of tree.
 noun (n.) Any low succulent plant of the genus Sedum, esp. Sedum acre, which is common on bare rocks in Europe, and is spreading in parts of America. See Orpine.

stoopnoun (n.) Originally, a covered porch with seats, at a house door; the Dutch stoep as introduced by the Dutch into New York. Afterward, an out-of-door flight of stairs of from seven to fourteen steps, with platform and parapets, leading to an entrance door some distance above the street; the French perron. Hence, any porch, platform, entrance stairway, or small veranda, at a house door.
 noun (n.) A vessel of liquor; a flagon.
 noun (n.) A post fixed in the earth.
 noun (n.) The act of stooping, or bending the body forward; inclination forward; also, an habitual bend of the back and shoulders.
 noun (n.) Descent, as from dignity or superiority; condescension; an act or position of humiliation.
 noun (n.) The fall of a bird on its prey; a swoop.
 verb (v. i.) To bend the upper part of the body downward and forward; to bend or lean forward; to incline forward in standing or walking; to assume habitually a bent position.
 verb (v. i.) To yield; to submit; to bend, as by compulsion; to assume a position of humility or subjection.
 verb (v. i.) To descend from rank or dignity; to condescend.
 verb (v. i.) To come down as a hawk does on its prey; to pounce; to souse; to swoop.
 verb (v. i.) To sink when on the wing; to alight.
 verb (v. t.) To bend forward and downward; to bow down; as, to stoop the body.
 verb (v. t.) To cause to incline downward; to slant; as, to stoop a cask of liquor.
 verb (v. t.) To cause to submit; to prostrate.
 verb (v. t.) To degrade.

stopnoun (n.) The act of stopping, or the state of being stopped; hindrance of progress or of action; cessation; repression; interruption; check; obstruction.
 noun (n.) That which stops, impedes, or obstructs; as obstacle; an impediment; an obstruction.
 noun (n.) A device, or piece, as a pin, block, pawl, etc., for arresting or limiting motion, or for determining the position to which another part shall be brought.
 noun (n.) The closing of an aperture in the air passage, or pressure of the finger upon the string, of an instrument of music, so as to modify the tone; hence, any contrivance by which the sounds of a musical instrument are regulated.
 noun (n.) In the organ, one of the knobs or handles at each side of the organist, by which he can draw on or shut off any register or row of pipes; the register itself; as, the vox humana stop.
 noun (n.) A member, plain or molded, formed of a separate piece and fixed to a jamb, against which a door or window shuts. This takes the place, or answers the purpose, of a rebate. Also, a pin or block to prevent a drawer from sliding too far.
 noun (n.) A point or mark in writing or printing intended to distinguish the sentences, parts of a sentence, or clauses; a mark of punctuation. See Punctuation.
 noun (n.) The diaphragm used in optical instruments to cut off the marginal portions of a beam of light passing through lenses.
 noun (n.) The depression in the face of a dog between the skull and the nasal bones. It is conspicuous in the bulldog, pug, and some other breeds.
 noun (n.) Some part of the articulating organs, as the lips, or the tongue and palate, closed (a) so as to cut off the passage of breath or voice through the mouth and the nose (distinguished as a lip-stop, or a front-stop, etc., as in p, t, d, etc.), or (b) so as to obstruct, but not entirely cut off, the passage, as in l, n, etc.; also, any of the consonants so formed.
 verb (v. t.) To close, as an aperture, by filling or by obstructing; as, to stop the ears; hence, to stanch, as a wound.
 verb (v. t.) To obstruct; to render impassable; as, to stop a way, road, or passage.
 verb (v. t.) To arrest the progress of; to hinder; to impede; to shut in; as, to stop a traveler; to stop the course of a stream, or a flow of blood.
 verb (v. t.) To hinder from acting or moving; to prevent the effect or efficiency of; to cause to cease; to repress; to restrain; to suppress; to interrupt; to suspend; as, to stop the execution of a decree, the progress of vice, the approaches of old age or infirmity.
 verb (v. t.) To regulate the sounds of, as musical strings, by pressing them against the finger board with the finger, or by shortening in any way the vibrating part.
 verb (v. t.) To point, as a composition; to punctuate.
 verb (v. t.) To make fast; to stopper.
 verb (v. i.) To cease to go on; to halt, or stand still; to come to a stop.
 verb (v. i.) To cease from any motion, or course of action.
 verb (v. i.) To spend a short time; to reside temporarily; to stay; to tarry; as, to stop with a friend.

stopshipnoun (n.) A remora. It was fabled to stop ships by attaching itself to them.

storeshipnoun (n.) A vessel used to carry naval stores for a fleet, garrison, or the like.

stoupnoun (n.) A flagon; a vessel or measure for liquids.
 noun (n.) A basin at the entrance of Roman Catholic churches for containing the holy water with which those who enter, dipping their fingers in it, cross themselves; -- called also holy-water stoup.

strapnoun (n.) A long, narrow, pliable strip of leather, cloth, or the like; specifically, a strip of thick leather used in flogging.
 noun (n.) Something made of such a strip, or of a part of one, or a combination of two or more for a particular use; as, a boot strap, shawl strap, stirrup strap.
 noun (n.) A piece of leather, or strip of wood covered with a suitable material, for sharpening a razor; a strop.
 noun (n.) A narrow strip of anything, as of iron or brass.
 noun (n.) A band, plate, or loop of metal for clasping and holding timbers or parts of a machine.
 noun (n.) A piece of rope or metal passing around a block and used for fastening it to anything.
 noun (n.) The flat part of the corolla in ligulate florets, as those of the white circle in the daisy.
 noun (n.) The leaf, exclusive of its sheath, in some grasses.
 noun (n.) A shoulder strap. See under Shoulder.
 verb (v. t.) To beat or chastise with a strap.
 verb (v. t.) To fasten or bind with a strap.
 verb (v. t.) To sharpen by rubbing on a strap, or strop; as, to strap a razor.

stripnoun (n.) A narrow piece, or one comparatively long; as, a strip of cloth; a strip of land.
 noun (n.) A trough for washing ore.
 noun (n.) The issuing of a projectile from a rifled gun without acquiring the spiral motion.
 verb (v. t.) To deprive; to bereave; to make destitute; to plunder; especially, to deprive of a covering; to skin; to peel; as, to strip a man of his possession, his rights, his privileges, his reputation; to strip one of his clothes; to strip a beast of his skin; to strip a tree of its bark.
 verb (v. t.) To divest of clothing; to uncover.
 verb (v. t.) To dismantle; as, to strip a ship of rigging, spars, etc.
 verb (v. t.) To pare off the surface of, as land, in strips.
 verb (v. t.) To deprive of all milk; to milk dry; to draw the last milk from; hence, to milk with a peculiar movement of the hand on the teats at the last of a milking; as, to strip a cow.
 verb (v. t.) To pass; to get clear of; to outstrip.
 verb (v. t.) To pull or tear off, as a covering; to remove; to wrest away; as, to strip the skin from a beast; to strip the bark from a tree; to strip the clothes from a man's back; to strip away all disguisses.
 verb (v. t.) To tear off (the thread) from a bolt or nut; as, the thread is stripped.
 verb (v. t.) To tear off the thread from (a bolt or nut); as, the bolt is stripped.
 verb (v. t.) To remove the metal coating from (a plated article), as by acids or electrolytic action.
 verb (v. t.) To remove fiber, flock, or lint from; -- said of the teeth of a card when it becomes partly clogged.
 verb (v. t.) To pick the cured leaves from the stalks of (tobacco) and tie them into "hands"; to remove the midrib from (tobacco leaves).
 verb (v. i.) To take off, or become divested of, clothes or covering; to undress.
 verb (v. i.) To fail in the thread; to lose the thread, as a bolt, screw, or nut. See Strip, v. t., 8.