Name Report For First Name PEREDURUS:


First name PEREDURUS's origin is Arthurian Legend. PEREDURUS means "name of a king". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with PEREDURUS below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of peredurus.(Brown names are of the same origin (Arthurian Legend) with PEREDURUS and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with PEREDURUS - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming PEREDURUS



NAMES RHYMING WITH PEREDURUS (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 8 Letters (eredurus) - Names That Ends with eredurus:

Rhyming Names According to Last 7 Letters (redurus) - Names That Ends with redurus:

Rhyming Names According to Last 6 Letters (edurus) - Names That Ends with edurus:

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (durus) - Names That Ends with durus:

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (urus) - Names That Ends with urus:


Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (rus) - Names That Ends with rus:

butrus ondrus theodorus horus brus seorus abderus archemorus cerberus cyrus icarus irus pandarus polydorus zephyrus ambrus jairus lazarus tyrus homerus florus petrus

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (us) - Names That Ends with us:

el-nefous enygeus caeneus cestus iasius lotus negus maccus dabbous dassous fanous abdul-quddus boulus yunus dryhus thaddeus bagdemagus brademagus isdernus britomartus luxovious nemausus argus ambrosius batholomeus basilius bonifacius cecilius clementius egidius eugenius eustatius darius aldous brutus cassibellaunus guiderius lorineus ferragus marsilius senapus marcus alemannus klaus absyrtus acastus achelous aconteus acrisius admetus adrastus aeacus aegeus aegisthus aegyptus aeolus aesculapius alcinous alcyoneus aloeus alpheus amphiaraus amycus anastasius ancaeus androgeus antaeus antilochus antinous aristaeus ascalaphus asopus atreus autolycus avernus boethius briareus

NAMES RHYMING WITH PEREDURUS (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 8 Letters (pereduru) - Names That Begins with pereduru:

Rhyming Names According to First 7 Letters (peredur) - Names That Begins with peredur:


Rhyming Names According to First 6 Letters (peredu) - Names That Begins with peredu:

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (pered) - Names That Begins with pered:


Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (pere) - Names That Begins with pere:

peregrine perekin pereteanu

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (per) - Names That Begins with per:

per perahta perceval percival percy percyvelle perdix perfecta pericles perke perkin perkins perkinson pernel pernell perren perrin perris perry perryn persephone persephonie perseus persis persius pert perth perye perzsi perzsike

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (pe) - Names That Begins with pe:

peace peada peadar pearce pearroc pearson pedar pedra pedrine pedro peer peg pegasus pegeen peggy peigi peirce peisistratus pekar pekka pelagia peleus pelias pelicia pell pellam pellanor pellean pelleas pelles pellinore pelltun pelopia pelops pemphredo pemton penarddun penda pendaran pendewe pendragon penelope peneus penina peninah penleigh penley penn pennlea pennleah penny penrith penrod pensee penthea penthesilea pentheus penthia penton peony pepe pephredo pepik pepillo pepin


First Names which starts with 'pere' and ends with 'urus':

First Names which starts with 'per' and ends with 'rus':

First Names which starts with 'pe' and ends with 'us':

First Names which starts with 'p' and ends with 's':

palamedes palomydes palsmedes panagiotis pancratius pandareos paris parkins parmis parthenios patroclus phantasos phelps phemius pheobus philips phillips phillis philoctetes philoetius phineas phinees phineus phorbas phorbus phorcys phrixus phylis phyllis piaras piers pinochos pirithous pittheus pityocamptes pius plexippus plutus polites polydamas polydeuces polyeidus polynices polyphemus pontus prasutagus prentiss priapus procrustes proinsias prokopios prometheus protesilaus proteus pslomydes psusennes pules pylades pyramus pyrrhus

English Words Rhyming PEREDURUS



Rhyming Words According to Last 8 Letters (eredurus) - English Words That Ends with eredurus:

Rhyming Words According to Last 7 Letters (redurus) - English Words That Ends with redurus:

Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (edurus) - English Words That Ends with edurus:

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (durus) - English Words That Ends with durus:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (urus) - English Words That Ends with urus:

arcturusnoun (n.) A fixed star of the first magnitude in the constellation Bootes.

brontosaurusnoun (n.) A genus of American jurassic dinosaurs. A length of sixty feet is believed to have been attained by these reptiles.

camarasaurusnoun (n.) A genus of gigantic American Jurassic dinosaurs, having large cavities in the bodies of the dorsal vertebrae.

ceratosaurusnoun (n.) A carnivorous American Jurassic dinosaur allied to the European Megalosaurus. The animal was nearly twenty feet in length, and the skull bears a bony horn core on the united nasal bones. See Illustration in Appendix.

coenurusnoun (n.) The larval stage of a tapeworm (Taenia coenurus) which forms bladderlike sacs in the brain of sheep, causing the fatal disease known as water brain, vertigo, staggers or gid.

elasmosaurusnoun (n.) An extinct, long-necked, marine, cretaceous reptile from Kansas, allied to Plesiosaurus.

eosaurusnoun (n.) An extinct marine reptile from the coal measures of Nova Scotia; -- so named because supposed to be of the earliest known reptiles.

eurusnoun (n.) The east wind.

hadrosaurusnoun (n.) An American herbivorous dinosaur of great size, allied to the iguanodon. It is found in the Cretaceous formation.

hylaeosaurusnoun (n.) A large Wealden dinosaur from the Tilgate Forest, England. It was about twenty feet long, protected by bony plates in the skin, and armed with spines.

ichthyosaurusnoun (n.) An extinct genus of marine reptiles; -- so named from their short, biconcave vertebrae, resembling those of fishes. Several species, varying in length from ten to thirty feet, are known from the Liassic, Oolitic, and Cretaceous formations.

laurusnoun (n.) A genus of trees including, according to modern authors, only the true laurel (Laurus nobilis), and the larger L. Canariensis of Madeira and the Canary Islands. Formerly the sassafras, the camphor tree, the cinnamon tree, and several other aromatic trees and shrubs, were also referred to the genus Laurus.

malapterurusnoun (n.) A genus of African siluroid fishes, including the electric catfishes. See Electric cat, under Electric.

mastodonsaurusnoun (n.) A large extinct genus of labyrinthodonts, found in the European Triassic rocks.

megalosaurusnoun (n.) A gigantic carnivorous dinosaur, whose fossil remains have been found in England and elsewhere.

morosaurusnoun (n.) An extinct genus of large herbivorous dinosaurs, found in Jurassic strata in America.

mosasaurusnoun (n.) A genus of extinct marine reptiles allied to the lizards, but having the body much elongated, and the limbs in the form of paddles. The first known species, nearly fifty feet in length, was discovered in Cretaceous beds near Maestricht, in the Netherlands.

mososaurusnoun (n.) Same as Mosasaurus.

paleosaurusnoun (n.) A genus of fossil saurians found in the Permian formation.

palinurusnoun (n.) An instrument for obtaining directly, without calculation, the true bearing of the sun, and thence the variation of the compass

pleiosaurusnoun (n.) Same as Pliosaurus.

plesiosaurusnoun (n.) A genus of large extinct marine reptiles, having a very long neck, a small head, and paddles for swimming. It lived in the Mesozoic age.

pliosaurusnoun (n.) An extinct genus of marine reptiles allied to Plesiosaurus, but having a much shorter neck.

proterosaurusnoun (n.) An extinct genus of reptiles of the Permian period. Called also Protosaurus.

sciurusnoun (n.) A genus of rodents comprising the common squirrels.

silurusnoun (n.) A genus of large malacopterygious fishes of the order Siluroidei. They inhabit the inland waters of Europe and Asia.

stegosaurusnoun (n.) A genus of large Jurassic dinosaurs remarkable for a powerful dermal armature of plates and spines.

taurusnoun (n.) The Bull; the second in order of the twelve signs of the zodiac, which the sun enters about the 20th of April; -- marked thus [/] in almanacs.
 noun (n.) A zodiacal constellation, containing the well-known clusters called the Pleiades and the Hyades, in the latter of which is situated the remarkably bright Aldebaran.
 noun (n.) A genus of ruminants comprising the common domestic cattle.

teleosaurusnoun (n.) A genus of extinct crocodilian reptiles of the Jurassic period, having a long and slender snout.

thesaurusnoun (n.) A treasury or storehouse; hence, a repository, especially of knowledge; -- often applied to a comprehensive work, like a dictionary or cyclopedia.

trichiurusnoun (n.) A genus of fishes comprising the hairtails. See Hairtail.

urusnoun (n.) A very large, powerful, and savage extinct bovine animal (Bos urus / primigenius) anciently abundant in Europe. It appears to have still existed in the time of Julius Caesar. It had very large horns, and was hardly capable of domestication. Called also, ur, ure, and tur.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (rus) - English Words That Ends with rus:

acarusnoun (n.) A genus including many species of small mites.

birrusnoun (n.) A coarse kind of thick woolen cloth, worn by the poor in the Middle Ages; also, a woolen cap or hood worn over the shoulders or over the head.

bosporusnoun (n.) A strait or narrow sea between two seas, or a lake and a seas; as, the Bosporus (formerly the Thracian Bosporus) or Strait of Constantinople, between the Black Sea and Sea of Marmora; the Cimmerian Bosporus, between the Black Sea and Sea of Azof.

carusnoun (n.) Coma with complete insensibility; deep lethargy.

cerberusnoun (n.) A monster, in the shape of a three-headed dog, guarding the entrance into the infernal regions, Hence: Any vigilant custodian or guardian, esp. if surly.
 noun (n.) A genus of East Indian serpents, allied to the pythons; the bokadam.

chorusnoun (n.) A band of singers and dancers.
 noun (n.) A company of persons supposed to behold what passed in the acts of a tragedy, and to sing the sentiments which the events suggested in couplets or verses between the acts; also, that which was thus sung by the chorus.
 noun (n.) An interpreter in a dumb show or play.
 noun (n.) A company of singers singing in concert.
 noun (n.) A composition of two or more parts, each of which is intended to be sung by a number of voices.
 noun (n.) Parts of a song or hymn recurring at intervals, as at the end of stanzas; also, a company of singers who join with the singer or choir in singer or choir in singing such parts.
 noun (n.) The simultaneous of a company in any noisy demonstration; as, a Chorus of shouts and catcalls.
 verb (v. i.) To sing in chorus; to exclaim simultaneously.

churrusnoun (n.) A powerfully narcotic and intoxicating gum resin which exudes from the flower heads, seeds, etc., of Indian hemp.

cirrusnoun (n.) A tendril or clasper.
 noun (n.) A soft tactile appendage of the mantle of many Mollusca, and of the parapodia of Annelida. Those near the head of annelids are Tentacular cirri; those of the last segment are caudal cirri.
 noun (n.) The jointed, leglike organs of Cirripedia. See Annelida, and Polychaeta.
 noun (n.) The external male organ of trematodes and some other worms, and of certain Mollusca.
 noun (n.) See under Cloud.

citrusnoun (n.) A genus of trees including the orange, lemon, citron, etc., originally natives of southern Asia.

corchorusnoun (n.) The common name of the Kerria Japonica or Japan globeflower, a yellow-flowered, perennial, rosaceous plant, seen in old-fashioned gardens.

crusnoun (n.) That part of the hind limb between the femur, or thigh, and the ankle, or tarsus; the shank.
 noun (n.) Often applied, especially in the plural, to parts which are supposed to resemble a pair of legs; as, the crura of the diaphragm, a pair of muscles attached to it; crura cerebri, two bundles of nerve fibers in the base of the brain, connecting the medulla and the forebrain.

cryophorusnoun (n.) An instrument used to illustrate the freezing of water by its own evaporation. The ordinary form consists of two glass bulbs, connected by a tube of the same material, and containing only a quantity of water and its vapor, devoid of air. The water is in one of the bulbs, and freezes when the other is cooled below 32¡ Fahr.

cyperusnoun (n.) A large genus of plants belonging to the Sedge family, and including the species called galingale, several bulrushes, and the Egyptian papyrus.

cyprusnoun (n.) A thin, transparent stuff, the same as, or corresponding to, crape. It was either white or black, the latter being most common, and used for mourning.

electrophorusnoun (n.) An instrument for exciting electricity, and repeating the charge indefinitely by induction, consisting of a flat cake of resin, shelllac, or ebonite, upon which is placed a plate of metal.

eurypterusnoun (n.) A genus of extinct Merostomata, found in Silurian rocks. Some of the species are more than three feet long.

gyrusnoun (n.) A convoluted ridge between grooves; a convolution; as, the gyri of the brain; the gyri of brain coral. See Brain.

hesperusnoun (n.) Venus when she is the evening star; Hesper.
 noun (n.) Evening.

homarusnoun (n.) A genus of decapod Crustacea, including the common lobsters.

humerusnoun (n.) The bone of the brachium, or upper part of the arm or fore limb.
 noun (n.) The part of the limb containing the humerus; the brachium.

hydrusnoun (n.) A constellation of the southern hemisphere, near the south pole.

icterusadjective (a.) The jaundice.

jeterusnoun (n.) A yellowness of the parts of plants which are normally green; yellows.

labrusnoun (n.) A genus of marine fishes, including the wrasses of Europe. See Wrasse.

merusnoun (n.) See Meros.

morusnoun (n.) A genus of trees, some species of which produce edible fruit; the mulberry. See Mulberry.

oestrusnoun (n.) A genus of gadflies. The species which deposits its larvae in the nasal cavities of sheep is oestrus ovis.
 noun (n.) A vehement desire; esp. (Physiol.), the periodical sexual impulse of animals; heat; rut.

papyrusnoun (n.) A tall rushlike plant (Cyperus Papyrus) of the Sedge family, formerly growing in Egypt, and now found in Abyssinia, Syria, Sicily, etc. The stem is triangular and about an inch thick.
 noun (n.) The material upon which the ancient Egyptians wrote. It was formed by cutting the stem of the plant into thin longitudinal slices, which were gummed together and pressed.
 noun (n.) A manuscript written on papyrus; esp., pl., written scrolls made of papyrus; as, the papyri of Egypt or Herculaneum.

pentamerusnoun (n.) A genus of extinct Paleozoic brachiopods, often very abundant in the Upper Silurian.

phoenicopterusnoun (n.) A genus of birds which includes the flamingoes.

phosphorusnoun (n.) The morning star; Phosphor.
 noun (n.) A poisonous nonmetallic element of the nitrogen group, obtained as a white, or yellowish, translucent waxy substance, having a characteristic disagreeable smell. It is very active chemically, must be preserved under water, and unites with oxygen even at ordinary temperatures, giving a faint glow, -- whence its name. It always occurs compined, usually in phosphates, as in the mineral apatite, in bones, etc. It is used in the composition on the tips of friction matches, and for many other purposes. The molecule contains four atoms. Symbol P. Atomic weight 31.0.
 noun (n.) Hence, any substance which shines in the dark like phosphorus, as certain phosphorescent bodies.

polyporusnoun (n.) A genus of fungi having the under surface full of minute pores; also, any fungus of this genus.

polypterusnoun (n.) An African genus of ganoid fishes including the bichir.

protopterusnoun (n.) See Komtok.

pylorusnoun (n.) The opening from the stomach into the intestine.
 noun (n.) A posterior division of the stomach in some invertebrates.

pyrophorusnoun (n.) Any one of several substances or mixtures which phosphoresce or ignite spontaneously on exposure to air, as a heated mixture of alum, potash, and charcoal, or a mixture of charcoal and finely divided lead.

pyrusnoun (n.) A genus of rosaceous trees and shrubs having pomes for fruit. It includes the apple, crab apple, pear, chokeberry, sorb, and mountain ash.

pelorusnoun (n.) An instrument similar to a mariner's compass, but without magnetic needles, and having two sight vanes by which bearings are taken, esp. such as cannot be taken by the compass.

scarusnoun (n.) A Mediterranean food fish (Sparisoma scarus) of excellent quality and highly valued by the Romans; -- called also parrot fish.

semichorusnoun (n.) A half chorus; a passage to be sung by a selected portion of the voices, as the female voices only, in contrast with the full choir.

sorusnoun (n.) One of the fruit dots, or small clusters of sporangia, on the back of the fronds of ferns.
 noun (n.) In parasitic fungi, any mass of spores bursting through the epidermis of a host plant.
 noun (n.) In lichens, a heap of soredia on the thallus.

susurrusnoun (n.) The act of whispering; a whisper; a murmur.

tartarusnoun (n.) The infernal regions, described in the Iliad as situated as far below Hades as heaven is above the earth, and by later writers as the place of punishment for the spirits of the wicked. By the later poets, also, the name is often used synonymously with Hades, or the Lower World in general.

torusnoun (n.) A lage molding used in the bases of columns. Its profile is semicircular. See Illust. of Molding.
 noun (n.) One of the ventral parapodia of tubicolous annelids. It usually has the form of an oblong thickening or elevation of the integument with rows of uncini or hooks along the center. See Illust. under Tubicolae.
 noun (n.) The receptacle, or part of the flower on which the carpels stand.
 noun (n.) See 3d Tore, 2.

tylarusnoun (n.) One of the pads on the under surface of the toes of birds.

uterusnoun (n.) The organ of a female mammal in which the young are developed previous to birth; the womb.
 noun (n.) A receptacle, or pouch, connected with the oviducts of many invertebrates in which the eggs are retained until they hatch or until the embryos develop more or less. See Illust. of Hermaphrodite in Append.

varusnoun (n.) A deformity in which the foot is turned inward. See Talipes.

zephyrusnoun (n.) The west wind, or zephyr; -- usually personified, and made the most mild and gentle of all the sylvan deities.

walrusnoun (n.) A very large marine mammal (Trichecus rosmarus) of the Seal family, native of the Arctic Ocean. The male has long and powerful tusks descending from the upper jaw. It uses these in procuring food and in fighting. It is hunted for its oil, ivory, and skin. It feeds largely on mollusks. Called also morse.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH PEREDURUS (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 8 Letters (pereduru) - Words That Begins with pereduru:

Rhyming Words According to First 7 Letters (peredur) - Words That Begins with peredur:

Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (peredu) - Words That Begins with peredu:

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (pered) - Words That Begins with pered:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (pere) - Words That Begins with pere:

perenoun (n.) A peer.
 noun (n.) Father; -- often used after French proper names to distinguish a father from his son; as, Dumas pere.

peregaladjective (a.) Fully equal.

peregrinateadjective (a.) Having traveled; foreign.
 verb (v. i.) To travel from place to place, or from one country to another; hence, to sojourn in foreign countries.

peregrinationnoun (n.) A traveling from one country to another; a wandering; sojourn in foreign countries.

peregrinatornoun (n.) One who peregrinates; one who travels about.

peregrinenoun (n.) The peregrine falcon.
 adjective (a.) Foreign; not native; extrinsic or from without; exotic.

peregrinitynoun (n.) Foreignness; strangeness.
 noun (n.) Travel; wandering.

perelnoun (n.) Apparel.

peremptionnoun (n.) A quashing; a defeating.

peremptorinessnoun (n.) The quality of being peremptory; positiveness.

peremptoryadjective (a.) Precluding debate or expostulation; not admitting of question or appeal; positive; absolute; decisive; conclusive; final.
 adjective (a.) Positive in opinion or judgment; decided; dictatorial; dogmatical.
 adjective (a.) Firmly determined; unawed.

perennialnoun (n.) A perennial plant; a plant which lives or continues more than two years, whether it retains its leaves in winter or not.
 adjective (a.) ing or continuing through the year; as, perennial fountains.
 adjective (a.) Continuing without cessation or intermission; perpetual; unceasing; never failing.
 adjective (a.) Continuing more than two years; as, a perennial steam, or root, or plant.

perennibranchiatanoun (n. pl.) Those Batrachia which retain their gills through life, as the menobranchus.

perennibranchiateadjective (a.) Having branchae, or gills, through life; -- said especially of certain Amphibia, like the menobranchus. Opposed to caducibranchiate.
 adjective (a.) Belonging to the Perennibranchiata.

perennitynoun (n.) The quality of being perennial.

pererrationnoun (n.) A wandering, or rambling, through various places.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (per) - Words That Begins with per:

peracuteadjective (a.) Very sharp; very violent; as, a peracute fever.

peradventurenoun (n.) Chance; hap; hence, doubt; question; as, proved beyond peradventure.
 adverb (adv. & conj.) By chance; perhaps; it may be; if; supposing.

peraeopodnoun (n.) One of the thoracic legs of a crustacean. See Illust. of Crustacea.

peragrationnoun (n.) The act or state of passing through any space; as, the peragration of the moon in her monthly revolution.

perambulatingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Perambulate

perambulationnoun (n.) The act of perambulating; traversing.
 noun (n.) An annual survey of boundaries, as of town, a parish, a forest, etc.
 noun (n.) A district within which one is authorized to make a tour of inspection.

perambulatornoun (n.) One who perambulates.
 noun (n.) A surveyor's instrument for measuring distances. It consists of a wheel arranged to roll along over the ground, with an apparatus of clockwork, and a dial plate upon which the distance traveled is shown by an index. See Odometer.
 noun (n.) A low carriage for a child, propelled by pushing.

peramelesnoun (n.) Any marsupial of the genus Perameles, which includes numerous species found in Australia. They somewhat resemble rabbits in size and form. See Illust. under Bandicoot.

perbendnoun (n.) See Perpender.

perbreaknoun (n.) See Parbreak.

perbromatenoun (n.) A salt of perbromic acid.

perbromicadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, the highest oxygen acid, HBrO4, of bromine.

perbromidenoun (n.) A bromide having a higher proportion of bromine than any other bromide of the same substance or series.

percanoun (n.) A genus of fishes, including the fresh-water perch.

percalenoun (n.) A fine cotton fabric, having a linen finish, and often printed on one side, -- used for women's and children's wear.

percalinenoun (n.) A fine kind of French cotton goods, usually of one color.
 noun (n.) A fine kind of cotton goods, usually of one color, and with a glossy surface, -- much use for linings.

percarbidenoun (n.) A compound containing a relatively large amount of carbon.

percarburetnoun (n.) A percarbide.

percarburetedadjective (a.) Combined with a relatively large amount of carbon.

perceivableadjective (a.) Capable of being perceived; perceptible.

perceivancenoun (n.) Power of perceiving.

perceivingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Perceive

perceivernoun (n.) One who perceives (in any of the senses of the verb).

percelynoun (n.) Parsley.

percentagenoun (n.) A certain rate per cent; the allowance, duty, rate of interest, discount, or commission, on a hundred.

perceptnoun (n.) That which is perceived.

perceptibilitynoun (n.) The quality or state of being perceptible; as, the perceptibility of light or color.
 noun (n.) Perception.

perceptibleadjective (a.) Capable of being perceived; cognizable; discernible; perceivable.

perceptionnoun (n.) The act of perceiving; cognizance by the senses or intellect; apperhension by the bodily organs, or by the mind, of what is presented to them; discernment; apperhension; cognition.
 noun (n.) The faculty of perceiving; the faculty, or peculiar part, of man's constitution by which he has knowledge through the medium or instrumentality of the bodily organs; the act of apperhending material objects or qualities through the senses; -- distinguished from conception.
 noun (n.) The quality, state, or capability, of being affected by something external; sensation; sensibility.
 noun (n.) An idea; a notion.

perceptiveadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the act or power of perceiving; having the faculty or power of perceiving; used in perception.

perceptivitynoun (n.) The quality or state of being perceptive; power of perception.

percesocesnoun (n. pl.) An order of fishes including the gray mullets (Mugil), the barracudas, the silversides, and other related fishes. So called from their relation both to perches and to pikes.

perchnoun (n.) Any fresh-water fish of the genus Perca and of several other allied genera of the family Percidae, as the common American or yellow perch (Perca flavescens, / Americana), and the European perch (P. fluviatilis).
 noun (n.) Any one of numerous species of spiny-finned fishes belonging to the Percidae, Serranidae, and related families, and resembling, more or less, the true perches.
 noun (n.) A pole; a long staff; a rod; esp., a pole or other support for fowls to roost on or to rest on; a roost; figuratively, any elevated resting place or seat.
 noun (n.) A measure of length containing five and a half yards; a rod, or pole.
 noun (n.) In land or square measure: A square rod; the 160th part of an acre.
 noun (n.) In solid measure: A mass 16/ feet long, 1 foot in height, and 1/ feet in breadth, or 24/ cubic feet (in local use, from 22 to 25 cubic feet); -- used in measuring stonework.
 noun (n.) A pole connecting the fore gear and hind gear of a spring carriage; a reach.
 verb (v. i.) To alight or settle, as a bird; to sit or roost.
 verb (v. t.) To place or to set on, or as on, a perch.
 verb (v. t.) To occupy as a perch.

perchingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Perch

perchantnoun (n.) A bird tied by the foot, to serve as decoy to other birds by its fluttering.

percheronnoun (n.) One of a breed of draught horses originating in Perche, an old district of France; -- called also Percheron-Norman.

perchloratenoun (n.) A salt of perchloric acid.

perchloricadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, the highest oxygen acid (HClO4), of chlorine; -- called also hyperchloric.

perchloridenoun (n.) A chloride having a higher proportion of chlorine than any other chloride of the same substance or series.

perchromicadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, a certain one of the highly oxidized compounds of chromium, which has a deep blue color, and is produced by the action of hydrogen peroxide.

perciformadjective (a.) Pertaining to the Perciformes.

perciformesnoun (n. pl.) An extensive tribe or suborder of fishes, including the true perches (Percidae); the pondfishes (Centrarchidae); the sciaenoids (Sciaenidae); the sparoids (Sparidae); the serranoids (Serranidae), and some other related families.

percipiencenoun (n.) Alt. of Percipiency

percipiencynoun (n.) The faculty, act or power of perceiving; perception.

percipientnoun (n.) One who, or that which, is percipient.
 adjective (a.) Having the faculty of perception; perceiving; as, a percipient being.

perclosenoun (n.) Same as Parclose.
 noun (n.) Conclusion; end.

percoidnoun (n.) Any fish of the genus Perca, or allied genera of the family Percidae.
 adjective (a.) Belonging to, or resembling, the perches, or family Percidae.

percoideanoun (n. pl.) Same as Perciformes.

percolatingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Percolate

percolationnoun (n.) The act or process of percolating, or filtering; filtration; straining. Specifically (Pharm.), the process of exhausting the virtues of a powdered drug by letting a liquid filter slowly through it.


English Words which starts with 'pere' and ends with 'urus':

English Words which starts with 'per' and ends with 'rus':

English Words which starts with 'pe' and ends with 'us':

pearlaceousadjective (a.) Resembling pearl or mother-of-pearl; pearly in quality or appearance.

pectoriloquousadjective (a.) Pectoriloquial.

pectousadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or consisting of, pectose.

pectusnoun (n.) The breast of a bird.

pecuniousadjective (a.) Abounding in money; wealthy; rich.

pedaneousadjective (a.) Going on foot; pedestrian.

pedestriousadjective (a.) Going on foot; not winged.

pedetentousadjective (a.) Proceeding step by step; advancing cautiously.

pediculousadjective (a.) Pedicular.

pediculusnoun (n.) A genus of wingless parasitic Hemiptera, including the common lice of man. See Louse.

pedigerousadjective (a.) Bearing or having feet or legs.

pedimanousadjective (a.) Having feet resembling hands, or with the first toe opposable, as the opossums and monkeys.

pedipalpousadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, the pedipalps.

pedipalpusnoun (n.) One of the second pair of mouth organs of arachnids. In some they are leglike, but in others, as the scorpion, they terminate in a claw.

pegasusnoun (n.) A winged horse fabled to have sprung from the body of Medusa when she was slain. He is noted for causing, with a blow of his hoof, Hippocrene, the inspiring fountain of the Muses, to spring from Mount Helicon. On this account he is, in modern times, associated with the Muses, and with ideas of poetic inspiration.
 noun (n.) A northen constellation near the vernal equinoctial point. Its three brightest stars, with the brightest star of Andromeda, form the square of Pegasus.
 noun (n.) A genus of small fishes, having large pectoral fins, and the body covered with hard, bony plates. Several species are known from the East Indies and China.

pemphigusnoun (n.) A somewhat rare skin disease, characterized by the development of blebs upon different part of the body.

pendulousadjective (a.) Depending; pendent loosely; hanging; swinging.
 adjective (a.) Wavering; unstable; doubtful.
 adjective (a.) Inclined or hanging downwards, as a flower on a recurved stalk, or an ovule which hangs from the upper part of the ovary.

pennaceousadjective (a.) Like or pertaining to a normal feather.

pennigerousadjective (a.) Bearing feathers or quills.

pentacoccousadjective (a.) Composed of five united carpels with one seed in each, as certain fruits.

pentacrinusnoun (n.) A genus of large, stalked crinoids, of which several species occur in deep water among the West Indies and elsewhere.

pentadelphousadjective (a.) Having the stamens arranged in five clusters, those of each cluster having their filaments more or less united, as the flowers of the linden.

pentagonousadjective (a.) Pentagonal.

pentagynousadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to plants of the order Pentagyna; having five styles.

pentahedrousadjective (a.) Pentahedral.

pentamerousadjective (a.) Divided into, or consisting of, five parts; also, arranged in sets, with five parts in each set, as a flower with five sepals, five petals, five, or twice five, stamens, and five pistils.
 adjective (a.) Belonging to the Pentamera.

pentandrousadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the class Pentadria; having five stamens.

pentapetalousadjective (a.) Having five petals, or flower leaves.

pentaphyllousadjective (a.) Having five leaves or leaflets.

pentaspermousadjective (a.) Containing five seeds.

pentastichousadjective (a.) Having, or arranged in, five vertical ranks, as the leaves of an apple tree or a cherry tree.

penuriousadjective (a.) Excessively sparing in the use of money; sordid; stingy; miserly.
 adjective (a.) Not bountiful or liberal; scanty.
 adjective (a.) Destitute of money; suffering extreme want.

peplusnoun (n.) An upper garment worn by Grecian and Roman women.
 noun (n.) A kind of kerchief formerly worn by Englishwomen.

peptogenousadjective (a.) Capable of yielding, or being converted into, peptone.

perdulousadjective (a.) Lost; thrown away.

perfidiousadjective (a.) Guilty of perfidy; violating good faith or vows; false to trust or confidence reposed; teacherous; faithless; as, a perfidious friend.
 adjective (a.) Involving, or characterized by, perfidy.

pergamenousadjective (a.) Alt. of Pergamentaceous

pergamentaceousadjective (a.) Like parchment.

pericarditusnoun (n.) Inflammation of the pericardium.

perichaetousadjective (a.) Surrounded by setae; -- said of certain earthworms (genus Perichaetus).

periculousadjective (a.) Dangerous; full of peril.

perigynousadjective (a.) Having the ovary free, but the petals and stamens borne on the calyx; -- said of flower such as that of the cherry or peach.

perilousadjective (a.) Full of, attended with, or involving, peril; dangerous; hazardous; as, a perilous undertaking.
 adjective (a.) Daring; reckless; dangerous.

peripatusnoun (n.) A genus of lowly organized arthropods, found in South Africa, Australia, and tropical America. It constitutes the order Malacopoda.

peripetalousadjective (a.) Surrounding, or situated about, the petals.

peripterousadjective (a.) Peripteral.
 adjective (a.) Feathered all around.

peristeromorphousadjective (a.) Like or pertaining to the pigeons or Columbae.

peristeropodousadjective (a.) Having pigeonlike feet; -- said of those gallinaceous birds that rest on all four toes, as the curassows and megapods.

peritomousadjective (a.) Cleaving in more directions than one, parallel to the axis.

peritropousadjective (a.) Peritropal.

perjuriousadjective (a.) Alt. of Perjurous

perjurousadjective (a.) Guilty of perjury; containing perjury.

perlaceousadjective (a.) Pearly; resembling pearl.

perlousadjective (a.) Perilous.

perniciousadjective (a.) Quick; swift (to burn).
 adjective (a.) Having the quality of injuring or killing; destructive; very mischievous; baleful; malicious; wicked.

perseusnoun (n.) A Grecian legendary hero, son of Jupiter and Danae, who slew the Gorgon Medusa.
 noun (n.) A consellation of the northern hemisphere, near Taurus and Cassiopea. It contains a star cluster visible to the naked eye as a nebula.

perspicaciousadjective (a.) Having the power of seeing clearly; quick-sighted; sharp of sight.
 adjective (a.) Fig.: Of acute discernment; keen.

perspicuousadjective (a.) Capable of being through; transparent; translucent; not opaque.
 adjective (a.) Clear to the understanding; capable of being clearly understood; clear in thought or in expression; not obscure or ambiguous; as, a perspicuous writer; perspicuous statements.

perstreperousadjective (a.) Noisy; obstreperous.

pertinaciousadjective (a.) Holding or adhering to any opinion, purpose, or design, with obstinacy; perversely persistent; obstinate; as, pertinacious plotters; a pertinacious beggar.
 adjective (a.) Resolute; persevering; constant; steady.

pervicaciousadjective (a.) Obstinate; willful; refractory.

perviousadjective (a.) Admitting passage; capable of being penetrated by another body or substance; permeable; as, a pervious soil.
 adjective (a.) Capable of being penetrated, or seen through, by physical or mental vision.
 adjective (a.) Capable of penetrating or pervading.
 adjective (a.) Open; -- used synonymously with perforate, as applied to the nostrils or birds.

pessulusnoun (n.) A delicate bar of cartilage connecting the dorsal and ventral extremities of the first pair of bronchial cartilages in the syrinx of birds.

pesterousadjective (a.) Inclined to pester. Also, vexatious; encumbering; burdensome.

pestiferousadjective (a.) Pest-bearing; pestilential; noxious to health; malignant; infectious; contagious; as, pestiferous bodies.
 adjective (a.) Noxious to peace, to morals, or to society; vicious; hurtful; destructive; as, a pestiferous demagogue.

pestilentiousadjective (a.) Pestilential.

petaliferousadjective (a.) Bearing petals.

petaloideousadjective (a.) Having the whole or part of the perianth petaline.

petalousadjective (a.) Having petals; petaled; -- opposed to apetalous.

petasusnoun (n.) The winged cap of Mercury; also, a broad-brimmed, low-crowned hat worn by Greeks and Romans.

petrosiliciousadjective (a.) Containing, or consisting of, petrosilex.

petrousadjective (a.) Like stone; hard; stony; rocky; as, the petrous part of the temporal bone.
 adjective (a.) Same as Petrosal.

petulcousadjective (a.) Wanton; frisky; lustful.

pellagrousadjective (a.) Pertaining to, or affected with, or attendant on, pellagra; as, pellagrous insanity.