Name Report For First Name EAVAN:


First name EAVAN's origin is Irish. EAVAN means "fair". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with EAVAN below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of eavan.(Brown names are of the same origin (Irish) with EAVAN and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with EAVAN - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming EAVAN



NAMES RHYMING WITH EAVAN (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (avan) - Names That Ends with avan:

cavan donavan gavan javan kavan lavan

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (van) - Names That Ends with van:

hovan van morvan istvan razvan crevan devan donovan estevan evan garvan ivan jeevan jovan kevan nevan stevan sullivan trevan bevan alvan kelvan

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (an) - Names That Ends with an:

achan ayan iman lishan loiyan nishan saran anan hanan janan rukan sawsan wijdan shoushan siran morgan regan nuallan jolan yasiman siobhan ran papan teyacapan tonalnan shuman lilian bian tan abdiraxman aman hassan labaan sultan taban aidan germian nechtan willan al-asfan aswan bourkan farhan ferhan foursan lahthan lamaan ramadan sahran shaaban shoukran aban abdul-rahman arfan ayman burhan ghassan hamdan ihsan imran irfan luqman ma'n marwan nabhan nu'man omran othman rahman rayhan ridwan safwan

NAMES RHYMING WITH EAVAN (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (eava) - Names That Begins with eava:

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (eav) - Names That Begins with eav:

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ea) - Names That Begins with ea:

eachan eachann eachthighearn eacnung ead eada eadaion eadbeorh eadbeorht eadbert eadburt eadda eadelm eadelmarr eadgard eadger eadgyth eadig eadignes eadlin eadlyn eadmund eadric eadsele eadward eadwardsone eadweald eadweard eadwiella eadwine eadwyn eagan eagon ealadhach ealasaid ealdian ealdun ealdwode ealga ealh ealhdun ealhhard eallard eallison eames eamon eamonn eanruig ear eara earc earh earie earl earle earlena earlene earlina earline earlson earm earna earnan earnest earnestyna earric eartha earvin earwine earwyn earwyna eason easter easton eastre eathelin eathellreda eathelyn eaton eatun eawart


First Names which starts with 'ea' and ends with 'an':

First Names which starts with 'e' and ends with 'n':

eban eben eburacon eburscon echion edan eddison edeen eden edern edison edlen edlin edlyn edlynn edmon edson edwardson edwin edwyn efnisien efrain efran efren efron egan egerton eghan egon ehren eibhlhin eibhlin eideann eileen eimhin einion eithan elan eldan elden eldon eldrian eldwin eldwyn elgin elhanan eljin elleen ellen ellison elliston ellyn elsdon elson elston elton elvern elvin elvyn elwen elwin elwyn elynn eman emerson emlyn emmalyn emman encarnacion endymion eoghan eoghann eoin eorlson ephron eraman eran erbin erian erin erleen ernestin eron erromon ervin erwin erwyn eryn erynn erysichthon eshan espen esrlson essien esteban estefan estevon eston etain etan

English Words Rhyming EAVAN


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH EAVAN (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (avan) - English Words That Ends with avan:

caravannoun (n.) A company of travelers, pilgrims, or merchants, organized and equipped for a long journey, or marching or traveling together, esp. through deserts and countries infested by robbers or hostile tribes, as in Asia or Africa.
 noun (n.) A large, covered wagon, or a train of such wagons, for conveying wild beasts, etc., for exhibition; an itinerant show, as of wild beasts.
 noun (n.) A covered vehicle for carrying passengers or for moving furniture, etc.; -- sometimes shorted into van.

pavannoun (n.) A stately and formal Spanish dance for which full state costume is worn; -- so called from the resemblance of its movements to those of the peacock.

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (van) - English Words That Ends with van:

cordovannoun (n.) Same as Cordwain. In England the name is applied to leather made from horsehide.

divannoun (n.) A book; esp., a collection of poems written by one author; as, the divan of Hafiz.
 noun (n.) In Turkey and other Oriental countries: A council of state; a royal court. Also used by the poets for a grand deliberative council or assembly.
 noun (n.) A chief officer of state.
 noun (n.) A saloon or hall where a council is held, in Oriental countries, the state reception room in places, and in the houses of the richer citizens. Cushions on the floor or on benches are ranged round the room.
 noun (n.) A cushioned seat, or a large, low sofa or couch; especially, one fixed to its place, and not movable.
 noun (n.) A coffee and smoking saloon.

elvannoun (n.) Alt. of Elvanite
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to elves; elvish.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to certain veins of feldspathic or porphyritic rock crossing metalliferous veins in the mining districts of Cornwall; as, an elvan course.

genevannoun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Geneva.
 noun (n.) A supported of Genevanism.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Geneva, in Switzerland; Genevese.

silvannoun (n.) See Sylvanium.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to woods; composed of woods or groves; woody.

sivannoun (n.) The third month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year; -- supposed to correspond nearly with our month of June.

sylvannoun (n.) A liquid hydrocarbon obtained together with furfuran (tetrol) by the distillation of pine wood; -- called also methyl tetrol, or methyl furfuran.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a sylva; forestlike; hence, rural; rustic.
 adjective (a.) Abounding in forests or in trees; woody.
 adjective (a.) A fabled deity of the wood; a satyr; a faun; sometimes, a rustic.

vannoun (n.) The front of an army; the first line or leading column; also, the front line or foremost division of a fleet, either in sailing or in battle.
 noun (n.) A shovel used in cleansing ore.
 noun (n.) A light wagon, either covered or open, used by tradesmen and others fore the transportation of goods.
 noun (n.) A large covered wagon for moving furniture, etc., also for conveying wild beasts, etc., for exhibition.
 noun (n.) A close railway car for baggage. See the Note under Car, 2.
 noun (n.) A fan or other contrivance, as a sieve, for winnowing grain.
 noun (n.) A wing with which the air is beaten.
 verb (v. t.) To wash or cleanse, as a small portion of ore, on a shovel.
 verb (v. t.) To fan, or to cleanse by fanning; to winnow.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH EAVAN (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (eava) - Words That Begins with eava:

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (eav) - Words That Begins with eav:

eavedropnoun (n.) A drop from the eaves; eavesdrop.

eavesnoun (n. pl.) The edges or lower borders of the roof of a building, which overhang the walls, and cast off the water that falls on the roof.
 noun (n. pl.) Brow; ridge.
 noun (n. pl.) Eyelids or eyelashes.

eavesdropnoun (n.) The water which falls in drops from the eaves of a house.
 verb (v. i.) To stand under the eaves, near a window or at the door, of a house, to listen and learn what is said within doors; hence, to listen secretly to what is said in private.

eavesdroppernoun (n.) One who stands under the eaves, or near the window or door of a house, to listen; hence, a secret listener.

eavesdroppingnoun (n.) The habit of lurking about dwelling houses, and other places where persons meet fro private intercourse, secretly listening to what is said, and then tattling it abroad. The offense is indictable at common law.


English Words which starts with 'ea' and ends with 'an':

ealdermannoun (n.) Alt. of Ealdorman

ealdormannoun (n.) An alderman.

earldormannoun (n.) Alderman.

east indiannoun (n.) A native of, or a dweller in, the East Indies.
  () Belonging to, or relating to, the East Indies.