Name Report For First Name CORIANN:


First name CORIANN's origin is English. CORIANN means "variant of cory meaning variously - from the round hill: seething pool: ravine". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with CORIANN below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of coriann.(Brown names are of the same origin (English) with CORIANN and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with CORIANN - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming CORIANN



NAMES RHYMING WITH CORƯANN (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 6 Letters (oriann) - Names That Ends with oriann:


Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (riann) - Names That Ends with riann:

keriann kerri-ann teriann briann

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (iann) - Names That Ends with iann:

shiann siann jilliann laciann

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ann) - Names That Ends with ann:

corann tuireann eachann lachlann aoibheann bethann carolann chrysann crisann deann deeann diahann doireann dyann jennyann joann leann leeann leigh-ann lizann muireann reaghann ryann shyann stacyann tiala-ann wann aidann altmann ann beomann ceapmann coillcumhann colemann culann dann eoghann flann gann garmann hann harimann hartmann jarmann johann lochlann othmann othomann redamann rygemann shann stillmann gleann brann camlann suzann eideann lidmann mann maryann bryann joyann lacyann lexann nann chann

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (nn) - Names That Ends with nn:

caoilfhionn fynn cynn caolabhuinn ceannfhionn labhruinn martainn mazonn addilynn adelynn aislinn aislynn alinn alynn angelynn annalynn ashelynn ashlinn ashlynn avlynn bebhinn brendalynn brilynn brooklynn brynn

NAMES RHYMING WITH CORƯANN (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 6 Letters (corian) - Names That Begins with corian:

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (coria) - Names That Begins with coria:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (cori) - Names That Begins with cori:

cori coridan corie corin corina corineus corinna corinne corisa corissa

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (cor) - Names That Begins with cor:

cora coral coralee coralia coralie coraline coralyn corazana corazon corban corben corbenic corbett corbin corbmac corby corbyn corcoran corcurachan cord cordale corday cordelia cordell cordero coreen coreene corella coretta corette corey corky corlan corlene corley corliss cormac cormack cormic cormick cornelio cornelius coronis corradeo corrado corran correen correena corren correy corri corrianna corrianne corrick corrie corrin corrina corrine corrissa corry cort cortez cortland cortney corvin corwan corwin corwine corwyn cory corybantes corydon

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (co) - Names That Begins with co:

coatl coaxoch cobhan coburn coby cochava cocheta cochise cochlain cocidius coco cocytus codee codell codey codi codie codier


First Names which starts with 'cor' and ends with 'ann':

First Names which starts with 'co' and ends with 'nn':


First Names which starts with 'c' and ends with 'n':

cadan caden cadman cadmon cadwallon caedmon caedon caelan caerleon caerlion cailean cailen cailin caillen cailyn cain caitilin caitlan caitlin caitlinn caitlyn caitlynn caitrin calan calhoun caliburn calidan calin callaghan callahan camarin camaron camdan camden camdin camdyn camelon cameron cameryn camren camron camryn camshron caoilfhinnn caoimhghin caolan caomhan caralyn carelton carilyn carlatun carleen carleton carlin carlson carlton carman carmen carmon carnation carolan carolin carolyn carolynn carrington carson carsten caryn carynn casen cassian caswallan catalin catelyn catheryn cathleen cathlin cathryn catlin catlyn cavalon cavan cayden caylan ceallachan ceastun ceawlin ceileachan cein celdtun celidon celyddon cendrillon cenon cercyon cerin cetewin chadburn chan

English Words Rhyming CORIANN


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH CORƯANN (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (oriann) - English Words That Ends with oriann:

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (riann) - English Words That Ends with riann:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (iann) - English Words That Ends with iann:

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ann) - English Words That Ends with ann:

annnoun (n.) Alt. of Annat

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH CORƯANN (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (corian) - Words That Begins with corian:

coriandernoun (n.) An umbelliferous plant, the Coriandrum sativum, the fruit or seeds of which have a strong smell and a spicy taste, and in medicine are considered as stomachic and carminative.

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (coria) - Words That Begins with coria:

coriaceousadjective (a.) Consisting of or resembling, leather; leatherlike; tough.
 adjective (a.) Stiff, like leather or parchment.

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (cori) - Words That Begins with cori:

coringnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Core

coridinenoun (n.) A colorless or yellowish oil, C10H15N, of a leathery odor, occuring in coal tar, Dippel's oil, tobacco smoke, etc., regarded as an organic base, homologous with pyridine. Also, one of a series of metameric compounds of which coridine is a type.

corindonnoun (n.) See Corrundum.

corinnenoun (n.) The common gazelle (Gazella dorcas). See Gazelle.

corinthnoun (n.) A city of Greece, famed for its luxury and extravagance.
 noun (n.) A small fruit; a currant.

corinthiacadjective (a.) Pertaining to Corinth.

corinthiannoun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Corinth.
 noun (n.) A gay, licentious person.
 noun (n.) A man of fashion given to pleasuring or sport; a fashionable man about town; esp., a man of means who drives his own horse, sails his own yacht, or the like.
 adjective (a.) Of or relating to Corinth.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the Corinthian order of architecture, invented by the Greeks, but more commonly used by the Romans.
 adjective (a.) Debauched in character or practice; impure.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to an amateur sailor or yachtsman; as, a corinthian race (one in which the contesting yachts must be manned by amateurs.)

coriumnoun (n.) Armor made of leather, particularly that used by the Romans; used also by Enlish soldiers till the reign of Edward I.
 noun (n.) Same as Dermis.
 noun (n.) The deep layer of mucous membranes beneath the epithelium.

corivalnoun (n.) A rival; a corrival.
 verb (v. t.) To rival; to pretend to equal.

corivalrynoun (n.) Alt. of Corivalship

corivalshipnoun (n.) Joint rivalry.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (cor) - Words That Begins with cor:

cornoun (n.) A Hebrew measure of capacity; a homer.

coranoun (n.) The Arabian gazelle (Gazella Arabica), found from persia to North Africa.

coraclenoun (n.) A boat made by covering a wicker frame with leather or oilcloth. It was used by the ancient Britons, and is still used by fisherman in Wales and some parts of Ireland. Also, a similar boat used in Thibet and in Egypt.

coracoidnoun (n.) The coracoid bone or process.
 adjective (a.) Shaped like a crow's beak.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to a bone of the shoulder girdle in most birds, reptiles, and amphibians, which is reduced to a process of the scapula in most mammals.

coragenoun (n.) See Courage

coralnoun (n.) The hard parts or skeleton of various Anthozoa, and of a few Hydrozoa. Similar structures are also formed by some Bryozoa.
 noun (n.) The ovaries of a cooked lobster; -- so called from their color.
 noun (n.) A piece of coral, usually fitted with small bells and other appurtenances, used by children as a plaything.

coraledadjective (a.) Having coral; covered with coral.

corallaceousadjective (a.) Like coral, or partaking of its qualities.

coralliannoun (n.) A deposit of coralliferous limestone forming a portion of the middle division of the oolite; -- called also coral-rag.

coralliferousadjective (a.) Containing or producing coral.

coralliformadjective (a.) resembling coral in form.

coralligenanoun (n. pl.) Same as Anthozoa.

coralligenousadjective (a.) producing coral; coralligerous; coralliferous.

coralligerousadjective (a.) Producing coral; coralliferous.

corallinnoun (n.) A yellow coal-tar dyestuff which probably consists chiefly of rosolic acid. See Aurin, and Rosolic acid under Rosolic.

corallinenoun (n.) A submarine, semicalcareous or calcareous plant, consisting of many jointed branches.
 noun (n.) Formerly any slender coral-like animal; -- sometimes applied more particulary to bryozoan corals.
 adjective (a.) Composed of corallines; as, coralline limestone.

corallinitenoun (n.) A fossil coralline.

corallitenoun (n.) A mineral substance or petrifaction, in the form of coral.
 noun (n.) One of the individual members of a compound coral; or that part formed by a single coral animal.

coralloidadjective (a.) Having the form of coral; branching like coral.

coralloidaladjective (a.) resembling coral; coralloid.

corallumnoun (n.) The coral or skeleton of a zoophyte, whether calcareous of horny, simple or compound. See Coral.

coralwortnoun (n.) A cruciferous herb of certain species of Dentaria; -- called also toothwort, tooth violet, or pepper root.

coranachnoun (n.) A lamentation for the dead; a dirge.

corantnoun (n.) Alt. of Coranto

corantonoun (n.) A sprightly but somewhat stately dance, now out of fashion.

corbnoun (n.) A basket used in coal mines, etc. see Corf.
 noun (n.) An ornament in a building; a corbel.

corbannoun (n.) An offering of any kind, devoted to God and therefore not to be appropriated to any other use; esp., an offering in fulfillment of a vow.
 noun (n.) An alms basket; a vessel to receive gifts of charity; a treasury of the church, where offerings are deposited.

corbeadjective (a.) Crooked.

corbellnoun (n.) A sculptured basket of flowers; a corbel.
 noun (n.) Small gabions.

corbelnoun (n.) A bracket supporting a superincumbent object, or receiving the spring of an arch. Corbels were employed largely in Gothic architecture.
 verb (v. t.) To furnish with a corbel or corbels; to support by a corbel; to make in the form of a corbel.

corbienoun (n.) Alt. of Corby

corbynoun (n.) The raven.
 noun (n.) A raven, crow, or chough, used as a charge.

corbiestepnoun (n.) One of the steps in which a gable wall is often finished in place of a continuous slope; -- also called crowstep.

corchorusnoun (n.) The common name of the Kerria Japonica or Japan globeflower, a yellow-flowered, perennial, rosaceous plant, seen in old-fashioned gardens.

corclenoun (n.) Alt. of Corcule

corculenoun (n.) The heart of the seed; the embryo or germ.

cordnoun (n.) A string, or small rope, composed of several strands twisted together.
 noun (n.) A solid measure, equivalent to 128 cubic feet; a pile of wood, or other coarse material, eight feet long, four feet high, and four feet broad; -- originally measured with a cord or line.
 noun (n.) Fig.: Any moral influence by which persons are caught, held, or drawn, as if by a cord; an enticement; as, the cords of the wicked; the cords of sin; the cords of vanity.
 noun (n.) Any structure having the appearance of a cord, esp. a tendon or a nerve. See under Spermatic, Spinal, Umbilical, Vocal.
 noun (n.) See Chord.
 verb (v. t.) To bind with a cord; to fasten with cords; to connect with cords; to ornament or finish with a cord or cords, as a garment.
 verb (v. t.) To arrange (wood, etc.) in a pile for measurement by the cord.
  (imp. & p. p.) of Core

cordingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Cord

cordagenoun (n.) Ropes or cords, collectively; hence, anything made of rope or cord, as those parts of the rigging of a ship which consist of ropes.

cordalnoun (n.) Same as Cordelle.

cordateadjective (a.) Heart-shaped; as, a cordate leaf.

cordedadjective (a.) Bound or fastened with cords.
 adjective (a.) Piled in a form for measurement by the cord.
 adjective (a.) Made of cords.
 adjective (a.) Striped or ribbed with cords; as, cloth with a corded surface.
 adjective (a.) Bound about, or wound, with cords.
  (imp. & p. p.) of Cord

cordeliernoun (n.) A Franciscan; -- so called in France from the girdle of knotted cord worn by all Franciscans.
 noun (n.) A member of a French political club of the time of the first Revolution, of which Danton and Marat were members, and which met in an old Cordelier convent in Paris.

cordelingadjective (a.) Twisting.

cordellenoun (n.) A twisted cord; a tassel.

cordialnoun (n.) Anything that comforts, gladdens, and exhilarates.
 noun (n.) Any invigorating and stimulating preparation; as, a peppermint cordial.
 noun (n.) Aromatized and sweetened spirit, used as a beverage; a liqueur.
 adjective (a.) Proceeding from the heart.
 adjective (a.) Hearty; sincere; warm; affectionate.
 adjective (a.) Tending to revive, cheer, or invigorate; giving strength or spirits.

cordialitynoun (n.) Relation to the heart.
 noun (n.) Sincere affection and kindness; warmth of regard; heartiness.

cordialnessnoun (n.) Cordiality.

cordieritenoun (n.) See Iolite.

cordoformadjective (a.) Heart-shaped.


English Words which starts with 'cor' and ends with 'ann':

English Words which starts with 'co' and ends with 'nn':