Name Report For First Name EBEN:


First name EBEN's origin is Other. EBEN means "rock". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with EBEN below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of eben.(Brown names are of the same origin (Other) with EBEN and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with EBEN - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming EBEN


sheshebens zebenjo adeben ebenezer

NAMES RHYMING WITH EBEN (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ben) - Names That Ends with ben:

hoben joben ben reuben ruben torben corben

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (en) - Names That Ends with en:

cwen guendolen raven coleen helen hien huyen quyen tien tuyen yen aren essien mekonnen shaheen yameen kadeen arden kailoken nascien bingen evnissyen lairgnen nisien yspaddaden christiansen jorgen joren espen akhenaten amen aten moswen braden heikkinen mustanen seppanen valkoinen soren vaden camden fagen girven jurgen bastien evzen hymen owen jurrien kelemen sebestyen kalen sen eugen chien dien nguyen nien vien addisen adeen aideen aileen alberteen aleen ambreen anwen ardeen arleen arwen ashleen ashlen ashten augusteen belen berneen brishen bronwen bysen caden carleen carmen carsten cathleen charleen chereen christeen christen colleen coreen correen cristen dareen

NAMES RHYMING WITH EBEN (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (ebe) - Names That Begins with ebe:

eberhard eberhardt

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (eb) - Names That Begins with eb:

eban ebba ebiere ebissa eblis ebo eboni ebony ebur eburacon eburhardt eburscon


First Names which starts with 'e' and ends with 'n':

eachan eachann eachthighearn eadaion eadlin eadlyn eadwyn eagan eagon ealdian ealdun ealhdun eallison eamon eamonn earlson earnan earvin earwyn eason easton eathelin eathelyn eaton eatun eavan echion edan eddison edeen eden edern edison edlen edlin edlyn edlynn edmon edson edwardson edwin edwyn efnisien efrain efran efren efron egan egerton eghan egon ehren eibhlhin eibhlin eideann eileen eimhin einion eithan elan eldan elden eldon eldrian eldwin eldwyn elgin elhanan eljin elleen ellen ellison elliston ellyn elsdon elson elston elton elvern elvin elvyn elwen elwin elwyn elynn eman emerson emlyn emmalyn emman encarnacion endymion eoghan eoghann eoin eorlson ephron eraman eran erbin

English Words Rhyming EBEN


alebenchnoun (n.) A bench in or before an alehouse.

debenturenoun (n.) A writing acknowledging a debt; a writing or certificate signed by a public officer, as evidence of a debt due to some person; the sum thus due.
 noun (n.) A customhouse certificate entitling an exporter of imported goods to a drawback of duties paid on their importation.
 noun (n.) Any of various instruments issued, esp. by corporations, as evidences of debt. Such instruments (often called debenture bonds) are generally, through not necessarily, under seal, and are usually secured by a mortgage or other charge upon property; they may be registered or unregistered. A debenture secured by a mortgage on specific property is called a mortgage debenture; one secured by a floating charge (which see), a floating debenture; one not secured by any charge a naked debenture. In general the term debenture in British usage designates any security issued by companies other than their shares, including, therefore, what are in the United States commonly called bonds. When used in the United States debenture generally designates an instrument secured by a floating charge junior to other charges secured by fixed mortgages, or, specif., one of a series of securities secured by a group of securities held in trust for the benefit of the debenture holders.

debenturedadjective (a.) Entitled to drawback or debenture; as, debentured goods.

diterebenenoun (n.) See Colophene.

freieslebenitenoun (n.) A sulphide of antimony, lead, and silver, occuring in monoclinic crystals.

hebennoun (n.) Ebony.

hebenonnoun (n.) See Henbane.

prebendnoun (n.) A payment or stipend; esp., the stipend or maintenance granted to a prebendary out of the estate of a cathedral or collegiate church with which he is connected. See Note under Benefice.
 noun (n.) A prebendary.

prebendaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a prebend; holding a prebend; as, a prebendal priest or stall.

prebendarynoun (n.) A clergyman attached to a collegiate or cathedral church who enjoys a prebend in consideration of his officiating at stated times in the church. See Note under Benefice, n., 3.
 noun (n.) A prebendaryship.

prebendaryshipnoun (n.) The office of a prebendary.

prebendshipnoun (n.) A prebendaryship.

terebenenoun (n.) A polymeric modification of terpene, obtained as a white crystalline camphorlike substance; -- called also camphene. By extension, any one of a group of related substances.

terebenthenenoun (n.) Oil of turpentine. See Turpentine.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH EBEN (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ben) - English Words That Ends with ben:

bennoun (n.) A hoglike mammal of New Guinea (Porcula papuensis).
 adverb (adv. & prep.) Within; in; in or into the interior; toward the inner apartment.
 adverb (adv.) The inner or principal room in a hut or house of two rooms; -- opposed to but, the outer apartment.
  () Alt. of Ben nut
  () An old form of the pl. indic. pr. of Be.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH EBEN (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (ebe) - Words That Begins with ebe:


English Words which starts with 'e' and ends with 'n':

esopianadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Aesop, or in his manner.
 adjective (a.) Alt. of Esopic

ealdermannoun (n.) Alt. of Ealdorman

ealdormannoun (n.) An alderman.

earldormannoun (n.) Alderman.

earnnoun (n.) See Ern, n.
 verb (v. t.) To merit or deserve, as by labor or service; to do that which entitles one to (a reward, whether the reward is received or not).
 verb (v. t.) To acquire by labor, service, or performance; to deserve and receive as compensation or wages; as, to earn a good living; to earn honors or laurels.
 verb (v. t. & i.) To grieve.
 verb (v. i.) To long; to yearn.
 verb (v. i.) To curdle, as milk.

earthbornadjective (a.) Born of the earth; terrigenous; springing originally from the earth; human.
 adjective (a.) Relating to, or occasioned by, earthly objects.

earthdinnoun (n.) An earthquake.

earthenadjective (a.) Made of earth; made of burnt or baked clay, or other like substances; as, an earthen vessel or pipe.

easternadjective (a.) Situated or dwelling in the east; oriental; as, an eastern gate; Eastern countries.
 adjective (a.) Going toward the east, or in the direction of east; as, an eastern voyage.

east indiannoun (n.) A native of, or a dweller in, the East Indies.
  () Belonging to, or relating to, the East Indies.

eblaninnoun (n.) See Pyroxanthin.

ebonnoun (n.) Ebony.
 adjective (a.) Consisting of ebony.
 adjective (a.) Like ebony, especially in color; black; dark.

ebullitionnoun (n.) A boiling or bubbling up of a liquid; the motion produced in a liquid by its rapid conversion into vapor.
 noun (n.) Effervescence occasioned by fermentation or by any other process which causes the liberation of a gas or an aeriform fluid, as in the mixture of an acid with a carbonated alkali.
 noun (n.) A sudden burst or violent display; an outburst; as, an ebullition of anger or ill temper.

eburinnoun (n.) A composition of dust of ivory or of bone with a cement; -- used for imitations of valuable stones and in making moldings, seals, etc.

eburnationnoun (n.) A condition of bone cartilage occurring in certain diseases of these tissues, in which they acquire an unnatural density, and come to resemble ivory.

eburneanadjective (a.) Made of or relating to ivory.

eburnificationnoun (n.) The conversion of certain substances into others which have the appearance or characteristics of ivory.

eccaleobionnoun (n.) A contrivance for hatching eggs by artificial heat.

ecderonnoun (n.) See Ecteron.

echelonnoun (n.) An arrangement of a body of troops when its divisions are drawn up in parallel lines each to the right or the left of the one in advance of it, like the steps of a ladder in position for climbing. Also used adjectively; as, echelon distance.
 noun (n.) An arrangement of a fleet in a wedge or V formation.
 verb (v. t.) To place in echelon; to station divisions of troops in echelon.
 verb (v. i.) To take position in echelon.

echinidannoun (n.) One the Echinoidea.

echonnoun (pron.) Alt. of Echoon

echoonnoun (pron.) Each one.

economizationnoun (n.) The act or practice of using to the best effect.

ecteronnoun (n.) The external layer of the skin and mucous membranes; epithelium; ecderon.

ectozoonnoun (n.) See Epizoon.

ectropionnoun (n.) An unnatural eversion of the eyelids.

edennoun (n.) The garden where Adam and Eve first dwelt; hence, a delightful region or residence.

edentationnoun (n.) A depriving of teeth.

edificationnoun (n.) The act of edifying, or the state of being edified; a building up, especially in a moral or spiritual sense; moral, intellectual, or spiritual improvement; instruction.
 noun (n.) A building or edifice.

editionnoun (n.) A literary work edited and published, as by a certain editor or in a certain manner; as, a good edition of Chaucer; Chalmers' edition of Shakespeare.
 noun (n.) The whole number of copies of a work printed and published at one time; as, the first edition was soon sold.

educationnoun (n.) The act or process of educating; the result of educating, as determined by the knowledge skill, or discipline of character, acquired; also, the act or process of training by a prescribed or customary course of study or discipline; as, an education for the bar or the pulpit; he has finished his education.

eductionnoun (n.) The act of drawing out or bringing into view.

edulcorationnoun (n.) The act of sweetening or edulcorating.
 noun (n.) The act of freeing from acids or any soluble substances, by affusions of water.

eennoun (n.) The old plural of Eye.

effascinationnoun (n.) A charming; state of being bewitched or deluded.

effectionnoun (n.) Creation; a doing.

effectuationnoun (n.) Act of effectuating.

effeminationnoun (n.) Effeminacy; womanishness.

effigiationnoun (n.) The act of forming in resemblance; an effigy.

efflationnoun (n.) The act of filling with wind; a breathing or puffing out; a puff, as of wind.

effluxionnoun (n.) The act of flowing out; effusion.
 noun (n.) That which flows out; effluvium; emanation.

efformationnoun (n.) The act of giving shape or form.

effossionnoun (n.) A digging out or up.

effrenationnoun (n.) Unbridled license; unruliness.

effusionnoun (n.) The act of pouring out; as, effusion of water, of blood, of grace, of words, and the like.
 noun (n.) That which is poured out, literally or figuratively.
 noun (n.) The escape of a fluid out of its natural vessel, either by rupture of the vessel, or by exudation through its walls. It may pass into the substance of an organ, or issue upon a free surface.
 noun (n.) The liquid escaping or exuded.

egeanadjective (a.) See Aegean.

egestionnoun (n.) Act or process of egesting; a voiding.

eghennoun (n. pl.) Eyes.

egremoinnoun (n.) Agrimony (Agrimonia Eupatoria).

egressionnoun (n.) The act of going; egress.

egyptiannoun (n.) A native, or one of the people, of Egypt; also, the Egyptian language.
 noun (n.) A gypsy.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to Egypt, in Africa.

eidolonnoun (n.) An image or representation; a form; a phantom; an apparition.

eighteennoun (n.) The number greater by a unit than seventeen; eighteen units or objects.
 noun (n.) A symbol denoting eighteen units, as 18 or xviii.
 adjective (a.) Eight and ten; as, eighteen pounds.

eikonnoun (n.) An image or effigy; -- used rather in an abstract sense, and rarely for a work of art.

ejaculationnoun (n.) The act of throwing or darting out with a sudden force and rapid flight.
 noun (n.) The uttering of a short, sudden exclamation or prayer, or the exclamation or prayer uttered.
 noun (n.) The act of ejecting or suddenly throwing, as a fluid from a duct.

ejectionnoun (n.) The act of ejecting or casting out; discharge; expulsion; evacuation.
 noun (n.) The act or process of discharging anything from the body, particularly the excretions.
 noun (n.) The state of being ejected or cast out; dispossession; banishment.

ejulationnoun (n.) A wailing; lamentation.

ekaboronnoun (n.) The name given by Mendelejeff in accordance with the periodic law, and by prediction, to a hypothetical element then unknown, but since discovered and named scandium; -- so called because it was a missing analogue of the boron group. See Scandium.

ekasiliconnoun (n.) The name of a hypothetical element predicted and afterwards discovered and named germanium; -- so called because it was a missing analogue of the silicon group. See Germanium, and cf. Ekabor.

elaborationnoun (n.) The act or process of producing or refining with labor; improvement by successive operations; refinement.
 noun (n.) The natural process of formation or assimilation, performed by the living organs in animals and vegetables, by which a crude substance is changed into something of a higher order; as, the elaboration of food into chyme; the elaboration of chyle, or sap, or tissues.

elaidinnoun (n.) A solid isomeric modification of olein.

elainnoun (n.) Same as Olein.

elapidationnoun (n.) A clearing away of stones.

elapsionnoun (n.) The act of elapsing.

elastinnoun (n.) A nitrogenous substance, somewhat resembling albumin, which forms the chemical basis of elastic tissue. It is very insoluble in most fluids, but is gradually dissolved when digested with either pepsin or trypsin.

elationnoun (n.) A lifting up by success; exaltation; inriation with pride of prosperity.

eldernadjective (a.) Made of elder.

electionadjective (a.) The act of choosing; choice; selection.
 adjective (a.) The act of choosing a person to fill an office, or to membership in a society, as by ballot, uplifted hands, or viva voce; as, the election of a president or a mayor.
 adjective (a.) Power of choosing; free will; liberty to choose or act.
 adjective (a.) Discriminating choice; discernment.
 adjective (a.) Divine choice; predestination of individuals as objects of mercy and salvation; -- one of the "five points" of Calvinism.
 adjective (a.) The choice, made by a party, of two alternatives, by taking one of which, the chooser is excluded from the other.
 adjective (a.) Those who are elected.

electriciannoun (n.) An investigator of electricity; one versed in the science of electricity.

electrificationnoun (n.) The act of electrifying, or the state of being charged with electricity.

electritionnoun (n.) The recognition by an animal body of the electrical condition of external objects.

electrizationnoun (n.) The act of electrizing; electrification.

electrolyzationnoun (n.) The act or the process of electrolyzing.

electronnoun (n.) Amber; also, the alloy of gold and silver, called electrum.
  () One of those particles, having about one thousandth the mass of a hydrogen atom, which are projected from the cathode of a vacuum tube as the cathode rays and from radioactive substances as the beta rays; -- called also corpuscle. The electron carries (or is) a natural unit of negative electricity, equal to 3.4 x 10-10 electrostatic units. It has been detected only when in rapid motion; its mass, which is electromagnetic, is practically constant at the lesser speeds, but increases as the velocity approaches that of light. Electrons are all of one kind, so far as known, and probably are the ultimate constituents of all atoms. An atom from which an electron has been detached has a positive charge and is called a coelectron.

eleidinnoun (n.) Lifeless matter deposited in the form of minute granules within the protoplasm of living cells.

elementationnoun (n.) Instruction in the elements or first principles.

eleminnoun (n.) A transparent, colorless oil obtained from elemi resin by distillation with water; also, a crystallizable extract from the resin.

eleusinianadjective (a.) Pertaining to Eleusis, in Greece, or to secret rites in honor of Ceres, there celebrated; as, Eleusinian mysteries or festivals.

elevationnoun (n.) The act of raising from a lower place, condition, or quality to a higher; -- said of material things, persons, the mind, the voice, etc.; as, the elevation of grain; elevation to a throne; elevation of mind, thoughts, or character.
 noun (n.) Condition of being elevated; height; exaltation.
 noun (n.) That which is raised up or elevated; an elevated place or station; as, an elevation of the ground; a hill.
 noun (n.) The distance of a celestial object above the horizon, or the arc of a vertical circle intercepted between it and the horizon; altitude; as, the elevation of the pole, or of a star.
 noun (n.) The angle which the style makes with the substylar line.
 noun (n.) The movement of the axis of a piece in a vertical plane; also, the angle of elevation, that is, the angle between the axis of the piece and the line o/ sight; -- distinguished from direction.
 noun (n.) A geometrical projection of a building, or other object, on a plane perpendicular to the horizon; orthographic projection on a vertical plane; -- called by the ancients the orthography.

elevennoun (n.) The sum of ten and one; eleven units or objects.
 noun (n.) A symbol representing eleven units, as 11 or xi.
 noun (n.) The eleven men selected to play on one side in a match, as the representatives of a club or a locality; as, the all-England eleven.
 adjective (a.) Ten and one added; as, eleven men.

elfinnoun (n.) A little elf or urchin.
 adjective (a.) Relating to elves.

elfkinnoun (n.) A little elf.

elicitationnoun (n.) The act of eliciting.

eliminationnoun (n.) The act of expelling or throwing off
 noun (n.) the act of discharging or excreting waste products or foreign substances through the various emunctories.
 noun (n.) Act of causing a quantity to disappear from an equation; especially, in the operation of deducing from several equations containing several unknown quantities a less number of equations containing a less number of unknown quantities.
 noun (n.) The act of obtaining by separation, or as the result of eliminating; deduction. [See Eliminate, 4.]

elinguationnoun (n.) Punishment by cutting out the tongue.

eliquationnoun (n.) The process of separating a fusible substance from one less fusible, by means of a degree of heat sufficient to melt the one and not the other, as an alloy of copper and lead; liquation.

elisonnoun (n.) Division; separation.
 noun (n.) The cutting off or suppression of a vowel or syllable, for the sake of meter or euphony; esp., in poetry, the dropping of a final vowel standing before an initial vowel in the following word, when the two words are drawn together.

elixationnoun (n.) A seething; digestion.

elizabethannoun (n.) One who lived in England in the time of Queen Elizabeth.
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to Queen Elizabeth or her times, esp. to the architecture or literature of her reign; as, the Elizabethan writers, drama, literature.

elleborinnoun (n.) See Helleborin.

elmenadjective (a.) Belonging to elms.

elocationnoun (n.) A removal from the usual place of residence.
 noun (n.) Departure from the usual state; an ecstasy.

elocutionnoun (n.) Utterance by speech.
 noun (n.) Oratorical or expressive delivery, including the graces of intonation, gesture, etc.; style or manner of speaking or reading in public; as, clear, impressive elocution.
 noun (n.) Suitable and impressive writing or style; eloquent diction.

elodiannoun (n.) One of a tribe of tortoises, including the terrapins, etc., in which the head and neck can be withdrawn.

elongationnoun (n.) The act of lengthening, or the state of being lengthened; protraction; extension.
 noun (n.) That which lengthens out; continuation.
 noun (n.) Removal to a distance; withdrawal; a being at a distance; distance.
 noun (n.) The angular distance of a planet from the sun; as, the elongation of Venus or Mercury.

elsinnoun (n.) A shoemaker's awl.

elucidationnoun (n.) A making clear; the act of elucidating or that which elucidates, as an explanation, an exposition, an illustration; as, one example may serve for further elucidation of the subject.

eluctationnoun (n.) A struggling out of any difficulty.

elucubrationnoun (n.) See Lucubration.