Name Report For First Name PANDARA:


First name PANDARA's origin is Indian. PANDARA means "wife". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with PANDARA below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of pandara.(Brown names are of the same origin (Indian) with PANDARA and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with PANDARA - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming PANDARA



NAMES RHYMING WITH PANDARA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 6 Letters (andara) - Names That Ends with andara:


Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (ndara) - Names That Ends with ndara:

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (dara) - Names That Ends with dara:

gadara aldara adara athdara dara hadara nudara

Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ara) - Names That Ends with ara:

chinara johara thara' mukamutara mukantagara ceara ara cynara marmara vara sitara tara xiomara lacramioara marioara camara diara jawara okpara alvara amara atara aushara barbara caffara cara cesara chiara ciara conchobara damara delmara eara fara fearchara gaspara genara guanhamara hildemara imara intisara intizara jakiara kara keara kesara keyara khiara kiara klara kymara lara machara manara mara molara naiara nara nashara nathara sahara sara takara tamara tammara vafara zara gara meara zahara aglara samara vavara varvara megara valara azhara cantara clara

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (ra) - Names That Ends with ra:

asura aurora azmera efra iyangura japera katura nadra sanura tandra zuhura estra moira

NAMES RHYMING WITH PANDARA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 6 Letters (pandar) - Names That Begins with pandar:

pandareos pandarus

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (panda) - Names That Begins with panda:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (pand) - Names That Begins with pand:


Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (pan) - Names That Begins with pan:

pan panagiota panagiotis pancho pancratius pannoowau panphila pansy pant panteleimon panthea panya

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (pa) - Names That Begins with pa:

paaveli paavo pabla pablo pacho pachu'a paciencia paco pacorro padarn paddy paden padgett padma padraic padraig padraigin padriac padric padruig paegastun paeivi paella pafko pag page paget pahana paharita paien paige paili paine paislee paiton paityn pajackok paki pakuna pakwa palaemon palamedes palassa palba palban paliki pall pallatin pallaton palmer palmere palmira paloma palomydes palsmedes palt-el palti pamela pamuy pamuya paola paolo papan papandr paquita parfait paris parisch park parke parker parkin parkins parkinson parlan parle parmis parnall parnel parnell parnella parounag parr parrish parsa


First Names which starts with 'pan' and ends with 'ara':

First Names which starts with 'pa' and ends with 'ra':


First Names which starts with 'p' and ends with 'a':

parthenia pascala pasclina pasha patricia patrina patrizia paula paulita pavla paza pazia peada pedra pekka pelagia pelicia pelopia penda penina pennlea penthea penthesilea penthia pepita perahta perfecta pesha peta peterka petra petrica petrina petronela petronilla petunia phaedra phaethusa phedora pheodora phiala phila philana philberta philipinna philippa phillida phillina phillipa philomela philomena philomina philothea pia pierretta pietra pippa piroska pista pithasthana placida polikwaptiwa poloma polyhymnia polyxena portia posala powaqa pramlocha praza primavera priscilla priyana priyanka prudencia prunella puebla pura pureza purisima pyrena pyrrha pythia

English Words Rhyming PANDARA


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH PANDARA (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 6 Letters (andara) - English Words That Ends with andara:

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (ndara) - English Words That Ends with ndara:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (dara) - English Words That Ends with dara:

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (ara) - English Words That Ends with ara:

agouaranoun (n.) The crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus), found in the tropical parts of America.

aparanoun (n.) See Mataco.

aranoun (n.) The Altar; a southern constellation, south of the tail of the Scorpion.
 noun (n.) A name of the great blue and yellow macaw (Ara ararauna), native of South America.

araranoun (n.) The palm (or great black) cockatoo, of Australia (Microglossus aterrimus).

baccaranoun (n.) Alt. of Baccarat

barbaranoun (n.) The first word in certain mnemonic lines which represent the various forms of the syllogism. It indicates a syllogism whose three propositions are universal affirmatives.

capibaranoun (n.) See Capybara.

capybaranoun (n.) A large South American rodent (Hydrochaerus capybara) Living on the margins of lakes and rivers. It is the largest extant rodent, being about three feet long, and half that in height. It somewhat resembles the Guinea pig, to which it is related; -- called also cabiai and water hog.

caracaranoun (n.) A south American bird of several species and genera, resembling both the eagles and the vultures. The caracaras act as scavengers, and are also called carrion buzzards.

charanoun (n.) A genus of flowerless plants, having articulated stems and whorled branches. They flourish in wet places.

chikaranoun (n.) The goat antelope (Tragops Bennettii) of India.
 noun (n.) The Indian four-horned antelope (Tetraceros quadricornis).

citharanoun (n.) An ancient instrument resembling the harp.

crantaranoun (n.) The fiery cross, used as a rallying signal in the Highlands of Scotland.

camaranoun (n.) Chamber; house; -- used in Ca"ma*ra dos Pa"res (/), and Ca"ma*ra dos De`pu*ta"dos (/). See Legislature.

dammaranoun (n.) An oleoresin used in making varnishes; dammar gum; dammara resin. It is obtained from certain resin trees indigenous to the East Indies, esp. Shorea robusta and the dammar pine.
 noun (n.) A large tree of the order Coniferae, indigenous to the East Indies and Australasia; -- called also Agathis. There are several species.

dulcamaranoun (n.) A plant (Solanum Dulcamara). See Bittersweet, n., 3 (a).

damaranoun (n.) A native of Damaraland, German Southwest Africa. The Damaras include an important and warlike Bantu tribe, and the Hill Damaras, who are Hottentots and mixed breeds hostile to the Bantus.

escharanoun (n.) A genus of Bryozoa which produce delicate corals, often incrusting like lichens, but sometimes branched.

ferraranoun (n.) A sword bearing the mark of one of the Ferrara family of Italy. These swords were highly esteemed in England and Scotland in the 16th and 17th centuries.

fissiparanoun (n. pl.) Animals which reproduce by fission.

gemaranoun (n.) The second part of the Talmud, or the commentary on the Mishna (which forms the first part or text).

gemmiparanoun (n. pl.) Alt. of Gemmipares

guaranoun (n.) The scarlet ibis. See Ibis.
 noun (n.) A large-maned wild dog of South America (Canis jubatus) -- named from its cry.

kitharanoun (n.) See Cithara.

maranoun (n.) The principal or ruling evil spirit.
 noun (n.) A female demon who torments people in sleep by crouching on their chests or stomachs, or by causing terrifying visions.
 noun (n.) The Patagonian cavy (Dolichotis Patagonicus).

oviparanoun (n. pl.) An artifical division of vertebrates, including those that lay eggs; -- opposed to Vivipara.

paranoun (n.) A piece of Turkish money, usually copper, the fortieth part of a piaster, or about one ninth of a cent.
 noun (n.) The southern arm of the Amazon in Brazil; also, a seaport on this arm.
 noun (n.) Short for Para rubber.

piffaranoun (n.) A fife; also, a rude kind of oboe or a bagpipe with an inflated skin for reservoir.

primiparanoun (n.) A woman who bears a child for the first time.

pupiparanoun (n. pl.) A division of Diptera in which the young are born in a stage like the pupa. It includes the sheep tick, horse tick, and other parasites. Called also Homaloptera.

samaranoun (n.) A dry, indehiscent, usually one-seeded, winged fruit, as that of the ash, maple, and elm; a key or key fruit.

sassararanoun (n.) A word used to emphasize a statement.

siseraranoun (n.) Alt. of Siserary

solfataranoun (n.) A volcanic area or vent which yields only sulphur vapors, steam, and the like. It represents the stages of the volcanic activity.

tiaranoun (n.) A form of headdress worn by the ancient Persians. According to Xenophon, the royal tiara was encircled with a diadem, and was high and erect, while those of the people were flexible, or had rims turned over.
 noun (n.) The pope's triple crown. It was at first a round, high cap, but was afterward encompassed with a crown, subsequently with a second, and finally with a third. Fig.: The papal dignity.

totaranoun (n.) A coniferous tree (Podocarpus totara), next to the kauri the most valuable timber tree of New Zeland. Its hard reddish wood is used for furniture and building, esp. in wharves, bridges, etc. Also mahogany pine.

tuataranoun (n.) A large iguanalike reptile (Sphenodon punctatum) formerly common in New Zealand, but now confined to certain islets near the coast. It reaches a length of two and a half feet, is dark olive-green with small white or yellowish specks on the sides, and has yellow spines along the back, except on the neck.

uniparanoun (n.) A woman who has borne one child.

varanoun (n.) A Spanish measure of length equal to about one yard. The vara now in use equals 33.385 inches.

viviparanoun (n. pl.) An artificial division of vertebrates including those that produce their young alive; -- opposed to Ovipara.

yearanoun (n.) The California poison oak (Rhus diversiloba). See under Poison, a.

zapharanoun (n.) Zaffer.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH PANDARA (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 6 Letters (pandar) - Words That Begins with pandar:

pandarnoun (n.) Same as Pander.

pandarismnoun (n.) Same as Panderism.

pandarousadjective (a.) Panderous.

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (panda) - Words That Begins with panda:

pandanoun (n.) A small Asiatic mammal (Ailurus fulgens) having fine soft fur. It is related to the bears, and inhabits the mountains of Northern India.

pandanusnoun (n.) A genus of endogenous plants. See Screw pine.

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (pand) - Words That Begins with pand:

pandeanadjective (a.) Of or relating to the god Pan.

pandectnoun (n.) A treatise which comprehends the whole of any science.
 noun (n.) The digest, or abridgment, in fifty books, of the decisions, writings, and opinions of the old Roman jurists, made in the sixth century by direction of the emperor Justinian, and forming the leading compilation of the Roman civil law.

pandemicnoun (n.) A pandemic disease.
 adjective (a.) Affecting a whole people or a number of countries; everywhere epidemic.

pandemoniumnoun (n.) The great hall or council chamber of demons or evil spirits.
 noun (n.) An utterly lawless, riotous place or assemblage.

pandernoun (n.) A male bawd; a pimp; a procurer.
 noun (n.) Hence, one who ministers to the evil designs and passions of another.
 verb (v. t.) To play the pander for.
 verb (v. i.) To act the part of a pander.

panderingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Pander

panderagenoun (n.) The act of pandering.

panderismnoun (n.) The employment, arts, or practices of a pander.

panderlyadjective (a.) Having the quality of a pander.

pandermitenoun (n.) A hydrous borate of lime, near priceite.

panderousadjective (a.) Of or relating to a pander; characterizing a pander.

pandiculatedadjective (a.) Extended; spread out; stretched.

pandiculationnoun (n.) A stretching and stiffening of the trunk and extremities, as when fatigued and drowsy.

panditnoun (n.) See Pundit.

pandoornoun (n.) Same as Pandour.

pandoranoun (n.) A beautiful woman (all-gifted), whom Jupiter caused Vulcan to make out of clay in order to punish the human race, because Prometheus had stolen the fire from heaven. Jupiter gave Pandora a box containing all human ills, which, when the box was opened, escaped and spread over the earth. Hope alone remained in the box. Another version makes the box contain all the blessings of the gods, which were lost to men when Pandora opened it.
 noun (n.) A genus of marine bivalves, in which one valve is flat, the other convex.

pandorenoun (n.) An ancient musical instrument, of the lute kind; a bandore.

pandournoun (n.) One of a class of Hungarian mountaineers serving in the Austrian army; -- so called from Pandur, a principal town in the region from which they originally came.

pandowdynoun (n.) A deep pie or pudding made of baked apples, or of sliced bread and apples baked together, with no bottom crust.

pandurateadjective (a.) Alt. of Panduriform

panduriformadjective (a.) Obovate, with a concavity in each side, like the body of a violin; fiddle-shaped; as, a panduriform leaf; panduriform color markings of an animal.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (pan) - Words That Begins with pan:

pannoun (n.) A part; a portion.
 noun (n.) The distance comprised between the angle of the epaule and the flanked angle.
 noun (n.) A leaf of gold or silver.
 noun (n.) The betel leaf; also, the masticatory made of the betel leaf, etc. See /etel.
 noun (n.) The god of shepherds, guardian of bees, and patron of fishing and hunting. He is usually represented as having the head and trunk of a man, with the legs, horns, and tail of a goat, and as playing on the shepherd's pipe, which he is said to have invented.
 noun (n.) A shallow, open dish or vessel, usually of metal, employed for many domestic uses, as for setting milk for cream, for frying or baking food, etc.; also employed for various uses in manufacturing.
 noun (n.) A closed vessel for boiling or evaporating. See Vacuum pan, under Vacuum.
 noun (n.) The part of a flintlock which holds the priming.
 noun (n.) The skull, considered as a vessel containing the brain; the upper part of the head; the brainpan; the cranium.
 noun (n.) A recess, or bed, for the leaf of a hinge.
 noun (n.) The hard stratum of earth that lies below the soil. See Hard pan, under Hard.
 noun (n.) A natural basin, containing salt or fresh water, or mud.
 verb (v. t. & i.) To join or fit together; to unite.
 verb (v. t.) To separate, as gold, from dirt or sand, by washing in a kind of pan.
 verb (v. i.) To yield gold in, or as in, the process of panning; -- usually with out; as, the gravel panned out richly.
 verb (v. i.) To turn out (profitably or unprofitably); to result; to develop; as, the investigation, or the speculation, panned out poorly.

panningnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Pan

panabasenoun (n.) Same as Tetrahedrite.

panaceanoun (n.) A remedy for all diseases; a universal medicine; a cure-all; catholicon; hence, a relief or solace for affliction.
 noun (n.) The herb allheal.

panaceanadjective (a.) Having the properties of a panacea.

panachenoun (n.) A plume or bunch of feathers, esp. such a bunch worn on the helmet; any military plume, or ornamental group of feathers.

panadanoun (n.) Alt. of Panade

panadenoun (n.) Bread boiled in water to the consistence of pulp, and sweetened or flavored.
 noun (n.) A dagger.

panarynoun (n.) A storehouse for bread.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to bread or to breadmaking.

pancakenoun (n.) A thin cake of batter fried in a pan or on a griddle; a griddlecake; a flapjack.

pancartenoun (n.) A royal charter confirming to a subject all his possessions.

pancenoun (n.) The pansy.

panchnoun (n.) See Paunch.

panchwaynoun (n.) A Bengalese four-oared boat for passengers.

pancratianadjective (a.) Pancratic; athletic.

pancratiastnoun (n.) One who engaged in the contests of the pancratium.

pancratiasticadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the pancratium.

pancraticadjective (a.) Having all or many degrees of power; having a great range of power; -- said of an eyepiece made adjustable so as to give a varying magnifying power.
 adjective (a.) Alt. of Pancratical

pancraticaladjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the pancratium; athletic.

pancratistnoun (n.) An athlete; a gymnast.

pancratiumnoun (n.) An athletic contest involving both boxing and wrestling.
 noun (n.) A genus of Old World amaryllideous bulbous plants, having a funnel-shaped perianth with six narrow spreading lobes. The American species are now placed in the related genus Hymenocallis.

pancreasnoun (n.) The sweetbread, a gland connected with the intestine of nearly all vertebrates. It is usually elongated and light-colored, and its secretion, called the pancreatic juice, is discharged, often together with the bile, into the upper part of the intestines, and is a powerful aid in digestion. See Illust. of Digestive apparatus.

pancreaticadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to the pancreas; as, the pancreatic secretion, digestion, ferments.

pancreatinnoun (n.) One of the digestive ferments of the pancreatic juice; also, a preparation containing such a ferment, made from the pancreas of animals, and used in medicine as an aid to digestion.

pancynoun (n.) See Pansy.

panenoun (n.) The narrow edge of a hammer head. See Peen.
 noun (n.) A division; a distinct piece, limited part, or compartment of any surface; a patch; hence, a square of a checkered or plaided pattern.
 noun (n.) One of the openings in a slashed garment, showing the bright colored silk, or the like, within; hence, the piece of colored or other stuff so shown.
 noun (n.) A compartment of a surface, or a flat space; hence, one side or face of a building; as, an octagonal tower is said to have eight panes.
 noun (n.) Especially, in modern use, the glass in one compartment of a window sash.
 noun (n.) In irrigating, a subdivision of an irrigated surface between a feeder and an outlet drain.
 noun (n.) One of the flat surfaces, or facets, of any object having several sides.
 noun (n.) One of the eight facets surrounding the table of a brilliant cut diamond.

panedadjective (a.) Having panes; provided with panes; also, having openings; as, a paned window; paned window sash.
 adjective (a.) Having flat sides or surfaces; as, a six/paned nut.

panegyricadjective (a.) An oration or eulogy in praise of some person or achievement; a formal or elaborate encomium; a laudatory discourse; laudation. See Synonym of Eulogy.
 adjective (a.) Alt. of Panegyrical

panegyricaladjective (a.) Containing praise or eulogy; encomiastic; laudatory.

panegyrisnoun (n.) A festival; a public assembly.

panegyristnoun (n.) One who delivers a panegyric; a eulogist; one who extols or praises, either by writing or speaking.

panegyrizingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Panegyrize

panegyrynoun (n.) A panegyric.

panelnoun (n.) A sunken compartment with raised margins, molded or otherwise, as in ceilings, wainscotings, etc.
 noun (n.) A piece of parchment or a schedule, containing the names of persons summoned as jurors by the sheriff; hence, more generally, the whole jury.
 noun (n.) A prisoner arraigned for trial at the bar of a criminal court.
 noun (n.) Formerly, a piece of cloth serving as a saddle; hence, a soft pad beneath a saddletree to prevent chafing.
 noun (n.) A board having its edges inserted in the groove of a surrounding frame; as, the panel of a door.
 noun (n.) One of the faces of a hewn stone.
 noun (n.) A slab or plank of wood upon which, instead of canvas, a picture is painted.
 noun (n.) A heap of dressed ore.
 noun (n.) One of the districts divided by pillars of extra size, into which a mine is laid off in one system of extracting coal.
 noun (n.) A plain strip or band, as of velvet or plush, placed at intervals lengthwise on the skirt of a dress, for ornament.
 noun (n.) A portion of a framed structure between adjacent posts or struts, as in a bridge truss.
 noun (n.) A segment of an aeroplane wing. In a biplane the outer panel extends from the wing tip to the next row of posts, and is trussed by oblique stay wires.
 verb (v. t.) To form in or with panels; as, to panel a wainscot.

panelingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Panel
 noun (n.) A forming in panels; panelwork.

panelationnoun (n.) The act of impaneling a jury.

panelessadjective (a.) Without panes.

panelworknoun (n.) Wainscoting.

paneulogismnoun (n.) Eulogy of everything; indiscriminate praise.

panfulnoun (n.) Enough to fill a pan.

pangnoun (n.) A paroxysm of extreme pain or anguish; a sudden and transitory agony; a throe; as, the pangs of death.
 verb (v. t.) To torture; to cause to have great pain or suffering; to torment.

pangenesisnoun (n.) An hypothesis advanced by Darwin in explanation of heredity.

pangeneticadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to pangenesis.

pangfuladjective (a.) Full of pangs.

panglessadjective (a.) Without a pang; painless.

pangolinnoun (n.) Any one of several species of Manis, Pholidotus, and related genera, found in Africa and Asia. They are covered with imbricated scales, and feed upon ants. Called also scaly ant-eater.

pangothicadjective (a.) Of, pertaining to, or including, all the Gothic races.

panhellenicadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to all Greece, or to Panhellenism; including all Greece, or all the Greeks.

panhellenismnoun (n.) A scheme to unite all the Greeks in one political body.

panhellenistnoun (n.) An advocate of Panhellenism.


English Words which starts with 'pan' and ends with 'ara':

English Words which starts with 'pa' and ends with 'ra':

palaestranoun (n.) See Palestra.

palestranoun (n.) A wrestling school; hence, a gymnasium, or place for athletic exercise in general.
 noun (n.) A wrestling; the exercise of wrestling.

palmyranoun (n.) A species of palm (Borassus flabelliformis) having a straight, black, upright trunk, with palmate leaves. It is found native along the entire northern shores of the Indian Ocean, from the mouth of the Tigris to New Guinea. More than eight hundred uses to which it is put are enumerated by native writers. Its wood is largely used for building purposes; its fruit and roots serve for food, its sap for making toddy, and its leaves for thatching huts.

palpebranoun (n.) The eyelid.

parapleuranoun (n.) A chitinous piece between the metasternum and the pleuron of certain insects.

passifloranoun (n.) A genus of plants, including the passion flower. It is the type of the order Passifloreae, which includes about nineteen genera and two hundred and fifty species.

pateranoun (n.) A saucerlike vessel of earthenware or metal, used by the Greeks and Romans in libations and sacrificies.
 noun (n.) A circular ornament, resembling a dish, often worked in relief on friezes, and the like.