Name Report For First Name GARVAN:


First name GARVAN's origin is Irish. GARVAN means "rough". You can find other first names and English words that rhymes with GARVAN below. Ryhme list involves the matching sounds according to the first letters, last letters and first&last letters of garvan.(Brown names are of the same origin (Irish) with GARVAN and Red names are first names with English/Anglo-Saxon origin)

Rhymes with GARVAN - Names & Words

First Names Rhyming GARVAN



NAMES RHYMING WITH GARVAN (According to last letters):

Rhyming Names According to Last 5 Letters (arvan) - Names That Ends with arvan:

Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (rvan) - Names That Ends with rvan:


Rhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (van) - Names That Ends with van:

hovan van istvan razvan eavan cavan crevan devan donavan donovan estevan evan gavan ivan javan jeevan jovan kavan kevan lavan nevan stevan sullivan trevan bevan alvan kelvan

Rhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (an) - Names That Ends with an:

achan ayan iman lishan loiyan nishan saran anan hanan janan rukan sawsan wijdan shoushan siran morgan regan nuallan jolan yasiman siobhan ran papan teyacapan tonalnan shuman lilian bian tan abdiraxman aman hassan labaan sultan taban aidan germian nechtan willan al-asfan aswan bourkan farhan ferhan foursan lahthan lamaan ramadan sahran shaaban shoukran aban abdul-rahman arfan ayman burhan ghassan hamdan ihsan imran irfan luqman ma'n marwan nabhan nu'man omran othman rahman rayhan ridwan safwan

NAMES RHYMING WITH GARVAN (According to first letters):

Rhyming Names According to First 5 Letters (garva) - Names That Begins with garva:

Rhyming Names According to First 4 Letters (garv) - Names That Begins with garv:

garve garvey garvin garvyn

Rhyming Names According to First 3 Letters (gar) - Names That Begins with gar:

gar gara garabed garabina garabine garaden garadin garadun garadyn garafeld garai garan garatun garberend garbha garbhan garbina garbine garcia gard garda gardenia gardiner gardner gare gared garen garet gareth garett garey garfield garia gariland garin garion garlan garland garlen garlyn garm garman garmangabis garmangahis garmann garmon garmond garmund garnell garner garnet garnett garon garr garrad garran garrard garred garren garret garreth garrett garrey garrick garrin garrison garrity garrman garron garroway garrson garry garson garsone garth garton garudi garwig garwin garwood garwyn gary

Rhyming Names According to First 2 Letters (ga) - Names That Begins with ga:

gaagii gaarwine gabal gabbar gabe gabhan gabi gabino gabirel gabor gabra gabreilla gabrian gabriel


First Names which starts with 'ga' and ends with 'an':

gaderian gaelbhan gaetan galan

First Names which starts with 'g' and ends with 'n':

gaelyn galatyn galen galeron galeun galton galvin galvyn galyn gan ganelon gann gannon gascon gaston gauvain gaven gavin gavyn gawain gawen gawyn gaylen gedeon gelban geldersman geralyn geralynn germain german geron gerrilyn gervin geryon ghislain ghusoon ghusun gian gibson gideon gildan gille-eathain gillean gillian gilpin gin giollanaebhin gionnan girven girvyn gladwin gladwyn gleann glen glendon glenn glyn glynn godewyn godwin golden goldwin goldwyn golligan goodwin goodwyn gordain gordan gordon gormain gorman gosheven gotzon govannon gowan gowyn gracelyn gracelynn gracen gracin graden gradon graycen graysen grayson gregson gremian gretchen greyson griffin grindan gudrun guendolen guerin guin gunn

English Words Rhyming GARVAN


ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH GARVAN (According to last letters):

Rhyming Words According to Last 5 Letters (arvan) - English Words That Ends with arvan:

Rhyming Words According to Last 4 Letters (rvan) - English Words That Ends with rvan:

Rhyming Words According to Last 3 Letters (van) - English Words That Ends with van:

caravannoun (n.) A company of travelers, pilgrims, or merchants, organized and equipped for a long journey, or marching or traveling together, esp. through deserts and countries infested by robbers or hostile tribes, as in Asia or Africa.
 noun (n.) A large, covered wagon, or a train of such wagons, for conveying wild beasts, etc., for exhibition; an itinerant show, as of wild beasts.
 noun (n.) A covered vehicle for carrying passengers or for moving furniture, etc.; -- sometimes shorted into van.

cordovannoun (n.) Same as Cordwain. In England the name is applied to leather made from horsehide.

divannoun (n.) A book; esp., a collection of poems written by one author; as, the divan of Hafiz.
 noun (n.) In Turkey and other Oriental countries: A council of state; a royal court. Also used by the poets for a grand deliberative council or assembly.
 noun (n.) A chief officer of state.
 noun (n.) A saloon or hall where a council is held, in Oriental countries, the state reception room in places, and in the houses of the richer citizens. Cushions on the floor or on benches are ranged round the room.
 noun (n.) A cushioned seat, or a large, low sofa or couch; especially, one fixed to its place, and not movable.
 noun (n.) A coffee and smoking saloon.

elvannoun (n.) Alt. of Elvanite
 adjective (a.) Pertaining to elves; elvish.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to certain veins of feldspathic or porphyritic rock crossing metalliferous veins in the mining districts of Cornwall; as, an elvan course.

genevannoun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Geneva.
 noun (n.) A supported of Genevanism.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Geneva, in Switzerland; Genevese.

pavannoun (n.) A stately and formal Spanish dance for which full state costume is worn; -- so called from the resemblance of its movements to those of the peacock.

silvannoun (n.) See Sylvanium.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to woods; composed of woods or groves; woody.

sivannoun (n.) The third month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year; -- supposed to correspond nearly with our month of June.

sylvannoun (n.) A liquid hydrocarbon obtained together with furfuran (tetrol) by the distillation of pine wood; -- called also methyl tetrol, or methyl furfuran.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to a sylva; forestlike; hence, rural; rustic.
 adjective (a.) Abounding in forests or in trees; woody.
 adjective (a.) A fabled deity of the wood; a satyr; a faun; sometimes, a rustic.

vannoun (n.) The front of an army; the first line or leading column; also, the front line or foremost division of a fleet, either in sailing or in battle.
 noun (n.) A shovel used in cleansing ore.
 noun (n.) A light wagon, either covered or open, used by tradesmen and others fore the transportation of goods.
 noun (n.) A large covered wagon for moving furniture, etc., also for conveying wild beasts, etc., for exhibition.
 noun (n.) A close railway car for baggage. See the Note under Car, 2.
 noun (n.) A fan or other contrivance, as a sieve, for winnowing grain.
 noun (n.) A wing with which the air is beaten.
 verb (v. t.) To wash or cleanse, as a small portion of ore, on a shovel.
 verb (v. t.) To fan, or to cleanse by fanning; to winnow.

ENGLISH WORDS RHYMING WITH GARVAN (According to first letters):

Rhyming Words According to First 5 Letters (garva) - Words That Begins with garva:

Rhyming Words According to First 4 Letters (garv) - Words That Begins with garv:

garvienoun (n.) The sprat; -- called also garvie herring, and garvock.

Rhyming Words According to First 3 Letters (gar) - Words That Begins with gar:

garnoun (n.) To cause; to make.
 verb (v.) Any slender marine fish of the genera Belone and Tylosurus. See Garfish.
 verb (v.) The gar pike. See Alligator gar (under Alligator), and Gar pike.

garancinnoun (n.) An extract of madder by sulphuric acid. It consists essentially of alizarin.

garbnoun (n.) Clothing in general.
 noun (n.) The whole dress or suit of clothes worn by any person, especially when indicating rank or office; as, the garb of a clergyman or a judge.
 noun (n.) Costume; fashion; as, the garb of a gentleman in the 16th century.
 noun (n.) External appearance, as expressive of the feelings or character; looks; fashion or manner, as of speech.
 noun (n.) A sheaf of grain (wheat, unless otherwise specified).
 verb (v. t.) To clothe; array; deck.

garbagenoun (n.) Offal, as the bowels of an animal or fish; refuse animal or vegetable matter from a kitchen; hence, anything worthless, disgusting, or loathsome.
 verb (v. t.) To strip of the bowels; to clean.

garbedadjective (a.) Dressed; habited; clad.

garbelnoun (n.) Same as Garboard.
 verb (v. t.) Anything sifted, or from which the coarse parts have been taken.

garblingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Garble

garblenoun (n.) Refuse; rubbish.
 noun (n.) Impurities separated from spices, drugs, etc.; -- also called garblings.
 verb (v. t.) To sift or bolt, to separate the fine or valuable parts of from the coarse and useless parts, or from dros or dirt; as, to garble spices.
 verb (v. t.) To pick out such parts of as may serve a purpose; to mutilate; to pervert; as, to garble a quotation; to garble an account.

garblernoun (n.) One who garbles.

garboardnoun (n.) One of the planks next the keel on the outside, which form a garboard strake.

garboilnoun (n.) Tumult; disturbance; disorder.

garcinianoun (n.) A genus of plants, including the mangosteen tree (Garcinia Mangostana), found in the islands of the Indian Archipelago; -- so called in honor of Dr. Garcin.

gardnoun (n.) Garden.
 noun (v. & n.) See Guard.

gardantadjective (a.) Turning the head towards the spectator, but not the body; -- said of a lion or other beast.

gardennoun (n.) A piece of ground appropriated to the cultivation of herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables.
 noun (n.) A rich, well-cultivated spot or tract of country.
 verb (v. i.) To lay out or cultivate a garden; to labor in a garden; to practice horticulture.
 verb (v. t.) To cultivate as a garden.

gardeningnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Garden
 noun (n.) The art of occupation of laying out and cultivating gardens; horticulture.

gardenernoun (n.) One who makes and tends a garden; a horticulturist.

gardenianoun (n.) A genus of plants, some species of which produce beautiful and fragrant flowers; Cape jasmine; -- so called in honor of Dr. Alexander Garden.

gardenlessadjective (a.) Destitute of a garden.

gardenlyadjective (a.) Like a garden.

gardenshipnoun (n.) Horticulture.

gardonnoun (n.) A European cyprinoid fish; the id.

gardyloonoun (n.) An old cry in throwing water, slops, etc., from the windows in Edingburgh.

garenoun (n.) Coarse wool on the legs of sheep.

garefowlnoun (n.) The great auk; also, the razorbill. See Auk.

garfishnoun (n.) A European marine fish (Belone vulgaris); -- called also gar, gerrick, greenback, greenbone, gorebill, hornfish, longnose, mackerel guide, sea needle, and sea pike.
 noun (n.) One of several species of similar fishes of the genus Tylosurus, of which one species (T. marinus) is common on the Atlantic coast. T. Caribbaeus, a very large species, and T. crassus, are more southern; -- called also needlefish. Many of the common names of the European garfish are also applied to the American species.

garganeynoun (n.) A small European duck (Anas querquedula); -- called also cricket teal, and summer teal.

gargantuanadjective (a.) Characteristic of Gargantua, a gigantic, wonderful personage; enormous; prodigious; inordinate.

gargarismnoun (n.) A gargle.

gargetnoun (n.) The throat.
 noun (n.) A diseased condition of the udders of cows, etc., arising from an inflammation of the mammary glands.
 noun (n.) A distemper in hogs, indicated by staggering and loss of appetite.
 noun (n.) See Poke.

gargilnoun (n.) A distemper in geese, affecting the head.

garglenoun (n.) See Gargoyle.
 noun (n.) A liquid, as water or some medicated preparation, used to cleanse the mouth and throat, especially for a medical effect.
 verb (v. t.) To wash or rinse, as the mouth or throat, particular the latter, agitating the liquid (water or a medicinal preparation) by an expulsion of air from the lungs.
 verb (v. t.) To warble; to sing as if gargling

garglingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Gargle

gargolnoun (n.) A distemper in swine; garget.

gargoulettenoun (n.) A water cooler or jug with a handle and spout; a gurglet.

gargoylenoun (n.) A spout projecting from the roof gutter of a building, often carved grotesquely.

gargylenoun (n.) See Gargoyle.

garibaldinoun (n.) A jacket worn by women; -- so called from its resemblance in shape to the red shirt worn by the Italians patriot Garibaldi.
 noun (n.) A California market fish (Pomancentrus rubicundus) of a deep scarlet color.

garishadjective (a.) Showy; dazzling; ostentatious; attracting or exciting attention.
 adjective (a.) Gay to extravagance; flighty.

garlandnoun (n.) The crown of a king.
 noun (n.) A wreath of chaplet made of branches, flowers, or feathers, and sometimes of precious stones, to be worn on the head like a crown; a coronal; a wreath.
 noun (n.) The top; the thing most prized.
 noun (n.) A book of extracts in prose or poetry; an anthology.
 noun (n.) A sort of netted bag used by sailors to keep provision in.
 noun (n.) A grommet or ring of rope lashed to a spar for convenience in handling.
 verb (v. t.) To deck with a garland.

garlandingnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Garland

garlandlessadjective (a.) Destitute of a garland.

garlicnoun (n.) A plant of the genus Allium (A. sativum is the cultivated variety), having a bulbous root, a very strong smell, and an acrid, pungent taste. Each root is composed of several lesser bulbs, called cloves of garlic, inclosed in a common membranous coat, and easily separable.
 noun (n.) A kind of jig or farce.

garlickyadjective (a.) Like or containing garlic.

garmentnoun (n.) Any article of clothing, as a coat, a gown, etc.

garmentedadjective (p. a.) Having on a garment; attired; enveloped, as with a garment.

garmenturenoun (n.) Clothing; dress.

garnernoun (n.) A granary; a building or place where grain is stored for preservation.
 verb (v. t.) To gather for preservation; to store, as in a granary; to treasure.

garneringnoun (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Garner

garnetnoun (n.) A mineral having many varieties differing in color and in their constituents, but with the same crystallization (isometric), and conforming to the same general chemical formula. The commonest color is red, the luster is vitreous, and the hardness greater than that of quartz. The dodecahedron and trapezohedron are the common forms.
 noun (n.) A tackle for hoisting cargo in our out.


English Words which starts with 'ga' and ends with 'an':

gabellemannoun (n.) A gabeler.

gaditaniannoun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Cadiz.
 adjective (a.) Of or relating to Cadiz, in Spain.

gadmannoun (n.) A gadsman.

gadsmannoun (n.) One who uses a gad or goad in driving.

galatianadjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Galatia or its inhabitants. -- A native or inhabitant of Galatia, in Asia Minor; a descendant of the Gauls who settled in Asia Minor.

galbannoun (n.) Alt. of Galbanum

galiciannoun (n.) A native of Galicia in Spain; -- called also Gallegan.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Galicia, in Spain, or to Galicia, the kingdom of Austrian Poland.

galileannoun (n.) A native or inhabitant of Galilee, the northern province of Palestine under the Romans.
 noun (n.) One of the party among the Jews, who opposed the payment of tribute to the Romans; -- called also Gaulonite.
 noun (n.) A Christian in general; -- used as a term of reproach by Mohammedans and Pagans.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Galileo; as, the Galilean telescope. See Telescope.
 adjective (a.) Of or relating to Galilee.

gallegannoun (n.) Alt. of Gallego

gallianadjective (a.) Gallic; French.

gallicannoun (n.) An adherent to, and supporter of, Gallicanism.
 adjective (a.) Of or pertaining to Gaul or France; Gallic; French; as, the Gallican church or clergy.

gallinaceannoun (n.) One of the Gallinae or gallinaceous birds.

gambogianadjective (a.) Alt. of Gambogic

ganoidiannoun (a. & n.) Ganoid.

garrannoun (n.) See Galloway.

gasserianadjective (a.) Relating to Casserio (L. Gasserius), the discover of the Gasserian ganglion.

gatemannoun (n.) A gate keeper; a gate tender.